Chapter 6:

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Hey Grian!

Just wanted to let you know that I'm out on my Hardcore world.

Should be back in a day or so, just wanted to finish up a project of mine and do a stream! I already made breakfast and left it in the kitchen, so don't worry about that. Feel free to do whatever while I'm out.

See you soon,


Grian set the note back down on his nightstand. The builder slept in what used to be Wilbur's room, since it was the biggest one in the house. He loved how Phil's eldest son decorated the place; the pale yellow walls were covered with old records, guitar pictures cut out of magazines, and the covers of his records. A guitar sat in the corner of the room. Phil said that Wilbur was a musician, and seeing the covers of his album "Your City Gave Me Asthma," and his singles "Internet Ruined Me," "I'm In Love With An E-Girl," and the newest one, "Your New Boyfriend," made Grian very interested in hearing Wilbur's music. He'd have to ask Phil when he returned.

Grian hopped out of bed and went to Wilbur's closet, since Phil said before that he could borrow some of his sons' clothes while he was here, and chose to wear a black t-shirt and jeans. Grian walked into Techno's room, which was covered in Greek Mythology posters and images of swords and axes, and chose to wear one of Techno's king-like capes, made of soft red velvet.

The builder made his way downstairs, where their usual breakfast, pancakes with sweet berries and honey, waited for him. As he ate, Grian started planning his newest prank.

Grian, who was aptly titled "Chaos Incarnate," by Smajor, loved pranking his friends. So far, Phil was the only friend who hadn't been pranked. That all will change once Phil gets home. Pranks were a sign of true friendship to Grian.

The chaotic builder didn't want to use TNT or anything lethal on Phil, not yet at least. He just wanted to confuse him. Maybe pufferfish? Or XP? Grian's put bamboo and trees in front of people's houses before, so maybe that?

He just couldn't decide.

Thankfully, Grian had a while to plan it out and make up his mind.

For now, he focused on responding to Scar's letter. It arrived late last night, at around 12. Grian had stayed up with Phil, who went night fishing in the rain, (The man went out to fish whenever it rained. Why, Grian didn't know.) The crow with the golden necklace landed on Phil's shoulder and dropped the letter in his lap. The avian handed it off to Grian, who went back home to prepare for bed and read the letter.

Scar wrote that everyone was fine, and every hermit wrote a paragraph about what they were currently up to. Scar and the others put a pause on the Turf War in his absence. Grian felt like crying. They were such great friends! He needed to get Phil on Hermitcraft, and then have all his friends in one close place. Maybe his sons could visit as well, so Phil wouldn't be separated from his family all the time.

However, something worried him. In the letter, Scar wrote about their admin, Xisuma. He fell unconscious and hasn't been awake since Grian's departure. Keralis stayed with him all day, hoping and praying that his closest friend would wake up. Another thing Scar wrote about was the mysterious enderman hybrid, Ranboo. They're still looking for the guy, who teleported away after giving a cryptic message. Tango assumes he's still on the server, but since Ranboo didn't act exactly like a player or a mob, Ranboo could have escaped the border.

So much had happened. Grian quickly took some paper and a quill and wrote out a long letter back, expressing his concerns for Xisuma and prayers that he'll get better, along with his relationship with Phil. Grian noticed that Phil treated him much like one of his own kids. He wrote that Phil was teaching him PVP, and included the fact that Phil was a husband and father, which was for sure something the Hermits never heard of happening.

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