Chapter 8

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"Grian, we're going to Dream SMP." Phil said unexpectedly.

It had been a couple more weeks since Grian had pranked the avian. Weeks of back and forth letters with Scar and the others. Weeks talking with Phil.

"At least I'm going. I don't know if you want to follow me, but you can if you wish. I'm sorry, it's just-" Phil sighed. The avian's been under extreme stress throughout the week; Grian's noticed that there were patches of ruffled and missing feathers from his wings, showing signs of stress plucking, "Wilbur hasn't sent a letter in weeks, none of my other kids have said anything either. I'm so, so worried. I just need to see if my sons are okay."

"Of course I'll come with you! I would love to meet your sons, and see the SMP." Grian rose from the couch and gave the stressed avian a hug, "Don't worry Phil, I'm sure your sons are okay!" Grian's been there himself, when Mumbo wouldn't send him messages for weeks. Usually he was busy on a project or just forgot (He was such a forgetful spoon...)

"Are you ready to leave?"

Grian wasn't expecting to depart so soon.

"Yes. I cannot wait any longer. I- I need to see my kids."

Grian nodded. He felt similarly about his friends on Hermitcraft. Despite how loveable and sweet Phil is, he just wanted to go home. He thought of Scar, of Mumbo, of Xisuma, of everyone. Grian missed his friends.

"Oh, and Grian? Are you okay with losing an elytra? You'll have to leave it at the entrance of the server. Dream doesn't allow elytras." Philza took his communicator from his pocket and started typing, "I'm sending a message to Dream to whitelist us. It shouldn't be too hard."

No elytras?!

Why would Dream not allow them? Did he not enjoy flying? Grian loved the sensation of being up in the air. It felt

"Oh...alright." Grian packed up his things into a small chest. He didn't have much, just his tools and armor, a few shulker boxes, and a random assortment of blocks and items. Grian grabbed a spare, unenchanted elytra from his ender chest and clipped it on.

"It will only take a few hours to get there so you won't need that many rockets." Phil told Grian as the builder grabbed a stack and a half.

"Oh trust me, I'll probably use them all. I'm not what you would call 'conservative' with them." Grian laughed. Phil giggled too as he opened the door and walked outside, spreading his wings and shooting up into the air. Grian followed shortly.

Those few hours felt like minutes, because very soon they arrived at the world border to Dream SMP. Grian peered in through the blue lines and was able to make out an untouched wilderness. Like most servers, it was apparent that Dream and the others stayed closer to the middle of the world than the border.

Grian stripped himself of his elytra (he had used all the rockets, to Phil's surprise) and set it on the ground. He could always buy a new one when he gets back to Hermitcraft. The border disappeared, and the two of them walked in.

<Ph1LzA joined the game>

<Grian joined the game>

Phil grew silent as he walked in the westward direction.

Grian followed him, looking around. The place reminded him of Evo. This wouldn't be Grian's permanent home, but the builder started making plans for a base to build. It definitely wouldn't be as grand as his mansion, but he did want to make another hobbit hole. Phil led Grian through the woods and towards a city of some sorts.

The builder cringed at the large cobblestone tower. God, did they not have builders on this server? Phil had explained that Dream SMP was a place for PVPers rather than builders or redstoners, but it didn't exactly click in Grian's head until now.

collided and corrupted -- Dream SMP x HermitcraftWhere stories live. Discover now