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3 years later

Lindsay and Harry were sat in a quiet, picturesque cafe in the centre of paris. They had been dating for 3 and a bit years now.

" Please can i have the cheesecake and a hot chocolate " Lindsay asked the waitress.

" And er... mm you err... sir" The waitress was trying to talk to them in her best English.

" I'll just have a cup of tea please" Harry said, he looked slightly worried and Lindsay could tell something was bugging him.

"Harry what's wrong?"

" ahhh i can't do this anymore" Harry shook his head at the ground.

Lindsay was so confused, was Harry breaking up with her.

She was so lost in her own thoughts she didn't see Harry get down on one knee in front of her.

Harry cleared his throat and Lindsay looked at him surprised.

" Lindsay Sally Jones I knew I loved you since I first laid my eyes. Your kind, beautiful, funny and so,so,so much more.Please would you do the honour of being my wife" Harry smiled expectantly up to her and pulled a small box out of his coat pocket.

" Ahaha how do you think i could say no to that, i mean i love you too. I can't belive you asked me in Paris, the city of lo......" Lindsay was cut off by Harry picking her up and kissing her.

" Thank god you said yes, i was so nervous" Harry said staring into her eyes intently.

" Come on" Lindsay grabbed Harrys arm and headed for the door, " We have to tell the boys!".

" Excusez-moi, would you errr like your food et drinks?" the waitress hurried over to them just as they got to the door.

"non merci", Harry thrust 50 euros into her hand, " keep the change".

With that they both ran out the door hand in hand.

OK so this is the end of the book. ummm i don't know what to say, i know it wasn't a brilliant book and i should of really planned what i was going to write before hand so I will try to do that with my next book. Thank you so so so much for reading it, every read means alot.

O dear ehe i sound like i'm doing a speech to accept a brit awardor something when in actual fact all i've done is finished my book. thank you for reading and please can you read my next book it would mean alot. I hope you enjoyed this xxxx

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