chapter 33

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" Oh My Effing God ! Harry what do you think your doing " It was a whiny voice that was interrupting my interesting dreams. I think   ' Lindsays luscious land of happiness ' ie. sleep, would have to wait another full day  until i could immerse myself in it once more. This better be important. I cracked my eye open till see Sarah staring down at me and the sofa. I quickly shut my eyes again. No way was she important enough to ruin my lie in. Pretending I was asleep still , I turned over to face the back of the sofa and gave a faint murmur for affect. Feeling that she had fell for it , I snuggled closer to the pillow next to me, wrapping my arms around it as if it were a person.

" Harry are you even listening to me . Why the hell is that B*tch lying next to you asleep , and you're shirtless "

I was almost back to sleep when I felt something move from under me.

" One she's not a bitch, she is a well brought up young lady with more manners than you have at the moment or you will ever have for a matter of fact. Two, she's ill, i was looking after her and we must of fallen asleep during the film. Do you have a problem with that?" Harry said sleepily.

I kept my eyes shut tight still facing into harry. I did not want to be part of this conversation.

" Yes, actually i do have a problem with it " Sarah exclaimed.

I could now feel Harry sitting up straight, his arm resting lightly on my back. " Go on then what is your Problem " He said silently as if he knew what was coming next.

" I have an effing problem with you sleeping with other girls that aren't me. Especially, if they are whores like her! " Spat Sarah.

She called me a whore.... she called me a whore Me the  one that has only slept with two boys. I bet she's slept with thirty at the least so she can talk. I was just about to give her a piece of my mind , and from the deep breath Harry took in he was going to say something, but I was going to beat him to it , when....

" You bitch! You think you can barge in at 9 O'clock on a Sunday morning, ruin all our lie ins,ruin mine and Nialls morning pancake fest, be really rude and call my best friend in the entire world a whore. Well I don't think so! And neither do the boys."

I sat up straight and looked over the sofa, to see Haley at the front with her arms crossed and a scowl on her face with Niall next to her with his arm around her ( they had definitely slept with each other last night , there was no doubt about that, naww they're so cute together). The rest of the boys were forming a slightly uneven V ( must remember to teach them what a V looks like)  behind her, with exactly the same scowl and their arms crossed as well.

* Louis stepped out and clicks his fingers in a Z formation, doing actions with song* "Don't make me snap my hands in a Z formation,


hip rotation ,

talk to the hand,

talk to the wrist ,

Omg you just got dissed!"

Ahaha i inwardly laughed. Oh god yes i got it all on video , even the stunned look on Sarahs pug like face and all the boys doing the dance behind Lou, I even felt Harry click his hands in the Z formation.

Sarah was silent so Haley took this as her opportunity to speak.

" Sarah I think it's time you left, also i wouldn't suggest to you coming back." Haley waved her hand at her .

As everyone ushered her out, me and Harry were still sat on the sofa. Harry quickly glanced over to the front door were Sarah was fighting against all of them to say goodbye to Harry.

" Bye Sarah, I think it's best we don't see each other any more, I don't really like how you talk to or about my friends. "  He said silently but loud enough for her to hear.

Hearing that Sarah just stomped out of the front door and screamed that Harry was a rubbish boyfriend.

Whilst the others all jumped round, I looked at Harry , who had his head bent down and looked slightly upset and as if in deep thought.

"Harry are you ok?" I whispered.

"I will be after I've done this " He said.

Slowly he learnt his head near mine. His lips came closer . His face was just centimeters away from mine. My eyes were still wide open.

" Relax and enjoy the moment" He breathed out. It was almost as if I imagined him saying that, his voice had been so soft and quite.

His lips finally touched mine and my eyes closed. Fire works went off, my toes and spine tingled and I would be lieing if I didn't say that it was the most amazing experience ever .It felt so right.

He broke the kiss first and smiled. I looked up at him and did exactly the same.

" Lindsay will you be my girlfriend" He sighed, " you don't know how it feels to say those words after waiting so  long, I've been waiting to say that sentence."

"Yes I do know how long you've waited ." I said, mumbling slightly.

Harry gave me a confused look , " What do you mean ?" He looked baffled by what I had just said.

I looked at my hands in my lap, " I've liked you for a while Harry, yes I will be your girlfriend " I hesitated slightly before saying yes.

" Y.. you said yes " Harry smiled to himself, then gave a massive shout " GUYS SHE SAID YES " .

Suddenly everyone ran out of their rooms and gathered us in a massive group hug.

" Bring out the champagne Zayn " Niall and Hailey shouted.

Argghh im terrible at uploading im very sorry , I know i say sorry everytime but i really mean it everytime time. The song on the side i've been listening to all throughout writing this chapter , she's a great singer and it's her own song so go listen to her if you want. Been listenSo this book is coming to end soon, so comment your feelings on that my lovelys :) and of course comment, vote and maybe a little fan  if possible. Hope you liked it xxx

Why are one direction seranading me?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora