cappie 12

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Hiya how is everyones lives hope they are good and I hope this brightens up your day hehe :D xxx

Hahaha Liams eyes told it all, I don't know whether all the others could see but it was pretty clear to me that Liam liked Lana alot, and not just in a friend sort of way. I think he has a crush on her . Yay this means another chance to perfect my matchmaking skills, Which reminds me I still need to work my magic on Niall and Haley who seemed to be in a deep conversation about what they were going to eat.  

'' I think I'm gonna have 1/4 chicken what about you Niall ?'' I heard Haley decide.

 '' Well this is a hard descsion. It's a tie between the 'Double Chicken Breast Burger' and the ' full platter, which has Whole Chicken + 2 Large or 4 Reg Sides . what do you think Hales ? '' Niall looked deep in thought, he must like his food just like Haley. Theres another reason why they should be together.

 After listening to a bit of Niall and Haleys conversation I got a bit bored and started drifting off into my own world. After a while I felt a little nudge at my shoulder. Thinking it was probably nothing I decided to put my headphones in and listen to my music. A few minutes later there was a harder nudge on my shoulder. Now realising that it was not just my imagination, I took out my headphones and voilently turned towards the area the tapping had come from.

'' What ! '' I snapped.

'' Umm sorry Lindsay, I was just wondering what you were going to have to eat '' Harry said quietly, the stress had most defiantly melted away and it was now replaced with something that almost resembled sadness. I felt my insides melting and my heart forgiving him for dragging me into a bush. Wait I'd only known him for about 6 hours I barely know any of them , I don't even know Louis favourite food. As if right on cue Louis let out a rather loud noise which sounded like '' CARROTS '' .

Ignoring Louis I turned and gave my full attention to Harry, who still looked down in the dumps.

'' Harry '' He looked up into my eyes. '' It doesn't matter what I'm going to eat now, it matters about you being happy. Are you okay ? And don't lie and tell me everything is fine because it is obviously not. '' I said in my best soothing voice.

'' It's Cecilia '' He said almost whimpering.

That was it my heart was breaking hearing him sob like this. I don't know who this Cecilia girl is but I bet the rest of the boys do and I'm gonna get the info out of one of them somehow. And when I do I'm gonna fix this mess up, Cecilia is obviously not good for Harry if she makes him cry. Unless it's happy crying which I highly doubt it is.

So have uploaded finally. I was thinking of doing some one shots but im not sure so please tell what you think . hope you like it please comment, vote and fan.

love you all

anna xxx

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