chapter 24

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Louis and Harry had made up 10 minutes after their arguement. I knew it wouldn't last long.

It was now 5 pm and Harry was meant to be getting ready for his date, but instead was on the ps3 with Liam.

" Hahaha in your face, I won ,I won ,I won " Liam was dancing around singing.

Harry pulled a face." How about the best out of 3 " He said smirking.

" Alright, it's on like Donkey Kongggg " Liam grinned.

Ahhh they were so sweet. I took a quick pic and posted it on twitter.

Just as I was posting it Louis walked in.

" Haz you know you have to pick Sarah up from her home "Louis called over Liams screams of joy over his win.

" Ummm no. What time am I mean't to be there?" Hazza asked.

" 15 minutes " Lou said.

Harry jumped off the sofa and flung his controller on the floor." S**t" he muttered under his breath, whilst running out of the room.

Lou turned to look at me.

" I did tell him what time he had to be at Sarahs for last night " He said innoncently.

" Ahh Lou don't worry he just forgot "

Harrys pov:::::

Argghhhhh Louis didn't tell me I had to pick her up. Orr maybe he did. Oh well theres no time to debate over whether Lou told me or not. I only have 5 minutes to get ready.

I chucked on a a checked shirt and brown trousers then headed out of the bedroom door.

Yelling bye to the boys and Lindsay ( Niall and Haley had gone out, god knows where too....) I exited the apartment and hopped into my Audi.

Louis had obviously put the directions into my sat nav because they appeared straight away. I had little butterflies in my stomach,I was quite nervous. I'd never been on a date with a police women, especially not one who has ever threatened me. But, at least I can say to people ' I've been on a date with a polic women'.

After 10 minutes of driving I pulled up outside a lovely white house. I was five minuted late oops.

I opened my door and slowly slid out of the comfy, warm leather seats. I walked hestitantely over to the door and knocked.

The door started to open. The butterflys were getting bigger and to make it worse I couldn't remember her name. I'm sure it started with a C.

I was to caught up in my thoughts to realise that the door was now fully open and that the  woman standing there had here hand out streched  to shake my hand.

" Hello, I'm Sarah " She said smiling at me.

I just stared at her. Sarah that was her name. She looked very different from when we last saw her in her police uniform. Her what i think was straight blonde hair, is now curled slightly to make it look tousled and her outfit was just stunning. It was not to revealing or showy but not relexad either.

I jumped back to our conversation quickly, she was still smiling at me but it was now a little smirk. She had also moved her hand away.

" So where are we going ?" She asked.

" Well, do you like tacos ?"

She nodded, giggling  a bit. Her giggle was one of those sweet ones, not the annoying ones some girls have.

" That's good , I was hoping you liked them because there's a really lovely place down the road. " I smiled warmly at her.

I walked round to the passenger side of the car to open her door. She slipped onto her seat with ease and said thank you. Then I got in tomy side and started to drive.

The Taco place was around 15 minutes way, in a quiet, secluded area so there would not be that many paparazzi.

I pulled in to the dusty car park, you can't really call it a car park as it's just a small piece of dusty road that's free to park in.

From next to me I heard Sarah gasp.

" What, do you not like it? " I asked a bit worried.

" No, no. I just used to come here with my dad that's all " Her face fell.

" Ahhh love what's the matter " I asked her soothingly.

" My dad was a soldier and well... he died when I was 15. It was the worst time in my life. That's why I became a police women. Because I thought that if I could stop criminals and bad people it would stop innocent people from getting killed or hurt. But I've found out that stopping 1 or 2 bad people doesn't stop a whole world of them. " She looked  at her hands crossed in her lap.

I placed one of my hands on hers and looked at her.

" It's ok, I'm soo sorry " I didn't know what to say. I'm not that good at comforting people.

" Don't be. It's not ok. The only reason your on the this thing tonight with me is because one of my friends bet she would be able to go on a date with a celebrity before me. And me being stupid and all agreed to it. I'm sorry, you can just drop me back home if you want and forget about it all." She looked ashamed.

" No. You know what, I think we should go in there and eat tacos till we think we're going to be sick because if I drove you back and left then you wouldn't win your bet, would you ? " I said with a smile.

Her eyes shone with joy that I wasn't angry with her. We both rushed in and I ordered a big buffet. There was literally no one in there so we were allowed to be as noisy as we liked, which suited us fine.

Lindsays pov ::::::

I was on my bed watching Alan Carr chatty man with Zayn and Liam. Louis had gone to bed because he was very tired and Niall and Haley had arived home a few minutes earlier and are some where. It was 11 O'clock and no one had heard from Harry, I am starting to think she has murdered him with the gun she carries.

Harrys pov:::: By the time we'd finished eating and talking it was almost midnight. I had learn't alot about her, her family and her friends. In return she'd learn't alot about me as well.

I drove her back and got out of the car to say good bye.

She turned around to look me in the eyes.

" Thank you Harry , I've had a lovely time and I mean it. I'm actually glad I did that bet now " She said genuinley.

" So am I, we should do this agian soon " I said and asked her for her mobile number. With that sorted I kissed on the cheek and drove away.

Wow at the atart of the night I though she would be a bitch but she turned out to be lovely .

Thank you all so much for reading this chappie. sorry I didn't upload sooner but I've had loads of exams. please comment, vote and fan.

love u all xxx

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