Chapter 5

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 thank you soo much all of you that have fanned commented , voted and a masive thanks to  @LanaKaleel1D please read her story it's amazing. Oh and this is my longest cahpter so far xxx

I was to caught up in my effort to get over to the empty seat next to the friendly looking girl, that i didn't see someone stick their leg out just in time for me to walk past and trip over, spilling the whole content of my bag across the floor. As i glanced up to see who it was that tripped me, all i could see was a sneering face with a slap full of make up covering it staring down at me. I should have known it would be her. I wasn't going to let her win plus revenge will be sweet. With that thought running through my head, i jumped off the floor smiling down at the bitch now below me and said '' Gosh it must take you forever to get around with those big ass feet of yours ''. Smiling to my self, i skipped of in the direction of the seat i had been heading for.

Uncle Tim had tried to move on from the subject of mine and the girls little incident but with her glaring daggers at me it was pretty hard for everyone to forget. '' Right people lets make a circle and we'll all introduce ourselves, say your name and 1 thing you like, ok i'll start '' Said Uncle Tim '' Right well Hello my names Tim for those that didn't know and i like gold fish. Right now it's your turn'' .

First off was a brown short haired boy.

'' Hi my names Sam and i like modern warfare .'' This earned him and few claps and comments about modern wafare, but over all he seemed like a kind person.

'' Hi Sam '' we all chorused just like Uncle Tim had told us to.

Second was the kind looking girl.

'' Alright everyone, how are you my names Natalie and i like dance central ''.

'' Hi  Natalie ''. Everyone said then i went '' I'm fine thanks how are you''.

'' I'm good thank you ''.

'' Right if you don't mind me interrupting your little conversation then i would like to tell evryone that my name is Skye and I like Dior ''. I had already had enough of this girl today and i was beginingto loose it. ' Deep breaths ' i told myself.

'' hi Skye '' . Everyone said agian but i didn't, kept my lips sealed otherwise i might of said something very rude.

Everyone kept going but i soon lost interest, until i heard a slightly fimaliar voice.

'' Hiya my names Niall and i like NANDOS .'' It was them that I'd met in the lift, and for a moment i felt my heart swell up because there were some slightly familiar faces. I know that sounds really cheesey hehehe.

'' Hiya Niall ''

I later found out that the rest were Harry, Zayn, Liam and Louis. They seemed funny and friendly .

By the time we had all  finished it was the end of the lesson. Everyone had left apart from Liam, Louis, Niall, Harry, Zayn, Uncle Tim and I. Just as i was picking up my jumper and heading to the door i heard Uncle Tim shout '' Linds can i have a quick word please ''

'' Yer sure '' I called back running over to him.

uncle Tim :'' Please can you let these boys stay at your apartment because they are in a bit of a sticky situation.''

Me : And I'll be in a bit of a of a sticky situation when I tell Haley that we have 5 boys we dont know living with us. ''

Uncle Tim : Please just for me ( fluttering his eylashes) i know them really well if that helps ''

Me: Fine but only because your the coolest Uncle ever and if i get murdered in my sleep im blaming you''

'' Come on you lot otherwise we'll be late for Haleys famous roast diner ie.nandos, bye Uncle Tim and you owe me one ''.

sorry its a late upload but hope you liked it please comment ,fan and vote

love ya all

anna xxx

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