chappter 27

951 10 11

We had been there for 3 hours , but it felt like we had only been talking for 2 minutes. Our cupcakes were long gone and so was my life story (sort of ).

He had found out so much about me. He knew I was bought up in Doncaster and then I moved to London when I was 16. He knew my sisters name, my parents names, my birthday , my friends and so much more. The only thing he didn't know about me was that I lived with one direction. Well, technically they lived with me. I'm not sure why I didn't tell him this information. I dont know, It might of been the fact that he might use me to get their money or that it didn't really come to mind in the middle of our conversation.

I had learned lots about him as well. His name is Dylan. His mum is rich but he lives with his dad and sister. He is going to uni very soon,and  his favourite food is cupcakes, because he met me in a cupcake shop. When he said this my heart melted. No one had ever said something like that to me before.

It was almost 5:00pm , meaning it had been almost 4 hours since I had met Dylan. In this 4 hours my phone had not gone off or vibrated at all. No one must of noticed I had gone out. There was a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. It felt like a ship sinking in there. None of them cared enough about me to realise I had been gone for so long.

Dylan and I talked for a bit longer, but soon enough the sun started to settle and the sky turned darker. I knew I should leave soon but I wasn't ready to see all the love birds back at home. So instead of heading back, or texting one of the boys who could come and pick me up I stayed and continued chatting.

Another hour passed and the sky had gone a soft purple/blue, which was rapidly turning into a thick dark blue. I really should be going now,but I have no idea how I'm going to get back.It's dark, I have walked through so many alley ways and down so many roads I don't know where I am. I could've got a taxi, that's now out of the equation because spent most of my money on Dylans cupcake. Oh dear,I'm in a pickle.

I had been so focused on ways to get home , I hadn't realised Dylan had stood up.

" It has been lovely meeting you Lindsay , maybe we could meet up agian soon " Dylan said smiling.

He leaned in for a hug and was about to peck me on the cheek when....... the door crashed open,making everyones heads snap to the entrance.

" LINDSAY SALLY JONES" A worried looking Liam and Louis half shouted and half panted at me.

All of them were standing there. Harry,Liam,Zayn,Louis,Niall, Eleanor, Lana , Sam and natalie, they were all here.

" Where the hell hav..." Harry started. But was interupted by what looked to be an 15 year old girl.

" Oh my f**king god , it's one direction " She basically roared.

All of a sudden it seemed like there were a lot more people than there had been before the boys came in. Everybody in th cake shop was running franticalling over to the space were the boys were trying to escape from.

Dylan, who was still next to me, seemed shocked, but before I could say anything to him I felt a tugging sensation on my arm. The tugging started to drag me away and before I knew it I was outside.

I turned around to see that it was harry tugging my arm. Why was it always Harry ? Why couldn't one it be one of the other boys ? I gave Harry my wtf face ( which probably made me look like a retarded seal) , but he just stood there frowning at me.

Harry glared at me then opened his mouth and spat out, " Who was he, who was that guy?".

I was so confused. Did he mean Dylan. Oh dear Dylan, dylan was still in that cafe probably even more confused now that I magically disapeared i.e. Harry dragging me out.

I gave a quick glance at Harry, then hurriedly said ," Why would you care? I've had no calls nor messages from any of you all day, then you all decide to turn up now. Anyway, for all you know he could be related to me or just a good friend or maybe I just met him today.". I turned away and sped off in the direction of the cafe entrance, leaving Harry there seething.

Inside the cafe, it was still like a bomb had gone off. I pushed past all the people in my way. I was determined to give Dylan my number so we could meet up agian.

5 minutes later, I found Dylan standing at the side of the room looking on at the mess of people surrounding the boys in awe. He blinked heavily when I stepped in front of him, then smiled a dazed smile at me. I shoved the piece of paper with my number in his pocket, then made way for the exit.

I had only taken a couple of steps when I felt a tugging on my arm. Oh no not this agian. I kept on walking but the tugging contuined. without turning around I said " Harry let go of my arm, just leave me alone ok " I was exasperated.

But instead of stopping, I was spun round gently and wrapped into the warm arms of Dylan. I didn't get the chance to say anything as before I even had the chance to open my mouth Dylan pressed his lips to mine. His lips tasted like a mixture of mint and cupcake, and his lips felt soft and smooth agianst mine. It was a short but sweet kiss. As he broke it off , I look over my shoulder to see a very angry Harry. But with his shoulders slumped forward as if in deafeat and his eyes frozen to me and Dylan he almost seemed crushed. I didn't get a chance to check if he did look like that or if I had just imagined him because he disapeared.

Helloooooooo guys, I had a few comments on my last chapter saying they want Lindsay back with Harry , so are you Team Harry or Team Dylan,comment and tell me. Also, do you think it was to forward of Dylan to kiss her, I mean they've only known each other a couple of hours and it wasn't a date. hmmmm.

secret word: Ice cream.

put the secret word in your comment if you saw it. Please fan, vote and ccoooommmmmmeeennntttttt.

love anna xx

Why are one direction seranading me?Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя