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Slowly I turned away. Walking through the kitchen door, down the corridor and into my bedroom. I felt lonely and sad. A minute ago I had been fully awake, now all I want to do is go back to bed.

In my room I chucked on a purple hoodie which looked to be Haleys, and some highwaist  shorts and lace top with my converse.

As I was putting my eyeliner on the doorbell rung. Who was it?I didn't remember inviting anyone round. Wait, of course I remember I had texted Lana, natalie and eleanor. I rushed to the door, with the hope that they would cheer me up. But once I got to the door I saw Louis had already opened it and was in a loving embrace with Eleanor. Liam and Lana looked cozy, walking through to the sitting room. Natalie had bought along a boy who I reconised to be Sam from acting lessons. Sam had his arm around Natalie in a kind of protective way, well he had to be protective of her around all these boys.

I felt rather left out with almost everyone around me loved up. Looking up in the direction of the sofa I could see Harry texting. I bet he's texting Sarah. My head started to spin.

Louis was now holding eleanors hand. Lana and Liam were cuddled up on the sofa. Natalie had her legs resting on sams. And Zayn and Niall were waltzing around the room singing ' All by myself'. I felt like the odd one out, a nail sticking out of a plank of wood.

I walked out of the sitting room to come face to face with the front door agian. Only this time I wasn't opening it, I was closing it after me.

I excited the house with only £5 in my pocket, and my mobile with 10% charge left. Trudging down the street, I thought of my lonleyness and the more I thought about myself and everyone else, the more depressed I got, and I don't usually get depressed.

I had trudged through several streets and a many number of alley-ways, losing myself in the jumble of people in London. As I walked down a street I saw a window display. This window drew me in. In the front were cupcakes stacked high on top of each other, their creamy iceing begging me to eat them. I decided then and there that I could put on a couple of pounds for one of those cupcakes.

Skipping in through that door was like skipping into heaven. The smaell of freshly baked cakes filled my nostrils and the warm puff of air you get when you open an oven door blew my hair off of my face.

I walked over to the counter not taking my eyes off the cakes infront of me. Without looking up I said 'One strawbwerry swirl delieght please '. The lady serving me handed me it wrapped up in lovely tissue paper and told me that would be £2.55.

I was just about to hand over the money when a smooth, slightly deep voice said from behind my shoulder, ' this one's on me love'. I turned around to face the sexy voiced man. And let me tell you something, I thought the male species couldn't be this sexy.

His brown hair was in a slight bieber flick but it wasn't to full on. His green greeny blue eyes shone in the cafe lights. He was perfect all over.

I couldn't stop staring at him. My heart melted. He just offered to buy me my cupcake, what a gentleman.

" Thank you, but don't worry you don't have to buy it for me " I said gratefully.

" I know I don't have to buy it for you.. but I want to ." He said simply.

" Fine, theres one condition though... I get to buy you a cupcake " I gave him a cheeky grin.

" Deal" He said grining.

We ordered the cupcakes and paid our shares then grabbed a table for two.

Im so sorry I haven't uploaded lately but heres the next chappie hope u all like it. please vote, comment and of course fan

love ya all xxx

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