chappie 15

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'' Lindsay, Lindsay I've found the perfect one for you '' Haley shouted. In the last half hour I had heard this over 20 times but being the good friend I am I went over and tried it on. To be honest I had tried so many dresses on I had stopped looking at them.

As I stepped out of the changing room and saw Haleys face I knew this must be the one. I quickly turned to face the mirror, anxious to see what I looked like.' Wow' I thought 'is that really me'. The dress was gorgeous. It was a red, tight, one shoulder dress. I wonder what the boys will think.

We had only been shopping for half an hour, so it was basically a world record for us that we had found at least one of the dresses. But we still had to find Haley one.

We were both rummaging through the rails of clothes reasonably loudly and the shop assitants kept giving us wierd looks. Every now and then Haley would grab a dress and show me, every time though I gave the same answer. No. It's not that I didn't like them, it was more the fact that they weren't made very well.

You see my mum is a garment technologist and has been one for as long as I can rememeber. She has worked for fat face, Ware house, Debenhams and a few more I can't remember and she is currently working for fred perry. It is great as I get loads of free clothes and stuff, but it also means I have been bought up to see the defaults in clothes. You may be thinking that's a good thing to know, it's not though because evrything I see in shops has a fault somewhere. i.e. gaping sleeves, bad cut, rubbish material. Which means everytime I go shopping I buy hardly anything. Anyways....

After 15 minutes of rummaging i heard a scream. As I whipped around quickly I saw it had come from Haleys direction. Haley was jumping up and down with a lovely almost identical dress tro mine, apart from hers was black and had ruffles on the shoulder strap.

'' That's the one '' I sang smiling gleefully at my best friend  who had a truimphamnt smirk plastered on her face, obviously this smirk was aimed at the shop assistant who had been looking at us in disbelief for the last hour and 3 quatres.

Haley tried the dress on and we both new right away we had the right dresses. We walked over to the counter and a new shop assistant looked us up and down as she scanned them.

'' £190 please, are you sure you can afford these? '' She asked in an amused tone because I was still looking in my purse for the money.

'' I'm sure we can afford them but the question is whether you could '' Haley said in a matter of fact tone. The shop assistant who must have been around our age looked dumbfounded.

We handed the money over and ran out of the shop giggleing with the shop assistant frowning at our backs.

'' hahaha that's what I call a snobby cow '' I said.

The cab was there to pick us up so we hoped in. We got back to our flat and opened the door to find the boys playing modern warfare.

'' haha i win, I want that bar of chocolate you said I could have if I beat you Zayn! '' Niall cheered.

'' Hey you two , are you gonna get ready we're leaving in 3 hours '' Liam said.

'' Hiya, how did you know we were gonna go and get reading now '' I quizzed Liam.

'' We all have sisters\sister except Niall so we know how long it takes girls to get ready '' Harry said matter of factly not taking his eyes of moder warfare.

'' Oh ok, we'll be down soon '' Haley and i said in unison.

Ok I am so sorry because I said they would go to the club in this chappie but I had to rush this because our internet isn't working very well so I had a time slot of internet use . hope you liked it . Please comment fan and vote.

love anna xxx

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