chappie 14

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After a couple more minutes of running we stopped because the boys didn't seem to be behind us any more. And you know what no boys equals. GIRL CHAT.

'' Sooooooooo Haley, you and Niall eh '' I enquired.

'' don't know ''  Haley  sighed.

'' Well do you like him or were those looks you were giving him in Nandos just ' mmmm why did I not go for the full platter or he has one hell of a hot body ' , do you like him for who he really is or just his body and of course food ? '' I carried on asking questions.

'' No of course I don't just like him for his food and body, I think under that mask he wears infront of the cameras and papparazzi there is a sweet, innocent Nialler hiding , although he is already sweet and innocent I just think there is more of him hiding ready to be set free '' Haley said looking rather thoughtful.

'' Wow Hales that was deep, so what do you think of Lana and Liam then '' I can really gossip when I feel like it.

'' Listen Linds enough about the others, what's going on between you and Harry is the real question '' She said smiling.

'' Well I don't think there is anything going on between me and Harry, why would you ask ? '' I asked.

'' Didn't you see the looks he was giving you over Lunch '' Haley said. She could gossip pretty well as well that's partly how we became bestfriends, but that's a story for another time.

'' I didn't see the looks he was giving me '' I was seriously confuzzled now. What kind of looks has Harry been giving me and more importantly why has he been paying attention to me.

Haley's mouth was open adjare as if she was just about to say something. But whatever she had to say was cut off by a big black car like the one that had pulled up beside me and Harry the s'morning. There I go thinking of Harry agian, I've only known him a couple of hours.

This time however though the door was not opened by any of the boys. It was instead opened by a what seemed to be middle aged kind looking women who must have got out the car to open the door for us whilst I was daydreaming( which I do alot ). As Haley and I clambered in we said a cheerful thank you to the lady from which we got a rather pleasent ' There's a card on the back seat for you both, I will drop you off at westfields ' then she shut the door and climbed into the drivers seat.

For the first time whilst being in the what I have concluded must be a cab My eyes landed on a white envelope with our names on it.

'' Look Haley that must be the letter she was talking about, shall we open it? '' I really wanted to open it.

'' Yeah '' Haley loved opening letters and presents( but then agian who doesn't) so I gave the letter to her to open.

:  Inside the letter:

Dear Lindsay and Haley,

We have sent a cab to take you to westfields.

In the back of the envelope is some money for you both to buy a nice dress each for tohnight.


Boobear, Hazza, Nialler, Li Li and Bradford boy


Haley and I both looked at eachother wondering the same thing. How much money had they given us ? and should we spend it ?

I quickly turned the envelope upside down and a few £20 notes came pouring down. Haley scrambled around on the floor picking them up then counted them.

'' There's £200 here '' Haley exclaimed.

I looked at her in awe. Then she passed it over to me.

All I could think was ' wow this is the most money I have ever held, my parents might be slightly on the richer side of life but I had never been shopping with £200 in my purse. Wow.

Hope you like it. The club scene will be in the next chappie. Please comment, vote and of course fan.

love you all xxxx

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