chapter 25

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I had fallen asleep last night at 11:30 after reading a text from Lana and Natalie asking whether they could come round tommorow. I had replied 'yes' of course. I'd heard Louis was dating a a girl called eleanor. So when he wasn't looking I ot her number and ivited her round too.

From my bed I could hear everyone in the kitchen. I felt slightly left being the only one who wasn't in there. Sliding the duvet off my legs and basically falling out of bed I left my room, heading towards the kitchen.

As I walked in my nostrils were slapped with the smell of bacon. I could see Liam over by the oven, it must be his turn on the cooking rota.

The others were huddled round, none other than Harry. I skipped over to see what they were talking about. As I got to the edge of the uddle, ready to barge in, I heard the words 'Sarah' and 'nice' put in the same sentence.

I stopped in my tracks. What, I thought Harry liked Sarah as much as some one likes cat poo in the middle of their lawn. One date can't change the fact that she black mailed us. Deciding to listen further, I stepped into the group and opened my ears for whatever Harry was talking about.

"The date was just a bet,she's been through some hard times and she seems like a genuinley nice person. I got her mobile number and I'm gonna arrange another date soon " Harry said.

My heart plummeted from my chest, my throat went dry, I was stood there shell shocked. Since when did Harry start falling in love with 'Sarah' and why was I feeling this way. It's not as if I'm in love with Harry. Or am I.

Yep this is a pretty short chappie I'm sorry. and it's not brill so sorry agian. hope you like it.

please vote , comment and fan i really do love it when people do these it makes my day each time .

luvvv ya all xxx

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