Meeting a new friend

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It had been 5 years since Naruto's birth and he could peform D to S rank jutsus with ease and had been training and reading with his family daily. He was a prodigy in all arts Kenjutsu, Senjutsu, Genjutsu, Taijutsu and Ninjutsu he didn't have the Whirlpegan yet but when he did get it he would master it quickly aswell. Kushina taught him about the Whirlpegan and how to unlock it. His elder sister, Naruko, taught him Genjutsu, Taijutsu and Ninjutsu. His Kaa-chan and Tou-san never let him go out by himself they always sent Anbu to protect him. Today his sister went with him though. "Otēsan can you take me to the park?" Naruto asked with pleading eyes. "Of course ototo They went out of the mansion and made their way to the park. There, Naruto saw his first crush.

Sakura POV:
I was walking through the park when I saw this really cute boy and Naruko-senpai. "Naruko-sama and..." "I'm Naruto Namikaze, who are you?" "I'm Sakura Haruno want to play with me?!" "Uhh." Naruto tugged Naruko's shirt and asked, "Otēsan can I go play with her?" "Of course Naru-kun. Stay safe and don't follow anyone you don't know. If you feel like your in danger, sense the person's intentions if they're good then leave them be, but if they're bad then put your training to use. I'm sure you'll be ok you were always naturally gifted. Stay safe I'll be at this bench ok?" "Ok Otēsan, arigato bye!"

Naruto POV:
I went to the swings to play with Sakura. While we were swinging I started to ask, "Why aren't you playing with anyone else?" "Because almost everyone else just makes fun of my forehead and declines to play with me, except for my friend Ino. You're the first person today who accepted to play with me. No-one else is playing out." She said while looking at the ground. "Why would they make fun of your forehead, I think it makes you look cute." She blushed and smiled at me. I smiled back and said, "Y'know your the first person to actually play with me aswell, everyone else I see is a grown adult or anbu and they never want to play they just give me gifts and money. The anbu are supposed to protect me when I go out but I'm with my Otēsan today." When we were talking I sensed someone with large chakra reserves from behind a tree. Sakura noticed me looking at the tree and asked me what was wrong. "Get behind me Sakura." I said sternly but quietly, so whoever was behind the tree couldn't hear. She obeyed me and ran behind me. Then a tall man came out from behind the tree and tried to attack us with two kunai in his hands. I blocked with a FR Kunai but he pushed me back because of his physical prowess. I disappeared and reappeared behind him then held a three-pronged kunai to his throat while standing on an earth wall I made. "State your purpose, what are you here for?!" Otēsan heard me and body flickered to us. She saw me holding the kunai to the man's throat and the earth wall I was standing on. The man said, "I was sent by an organisation to capture you but I guess I underestimated you." "What organisation if you answer I'll consider letting you go with your head." "Ok..Ok they're called the Ak-" He was stopped when a figure burned him to ash and disappeared. "Hm, what was that?" I said. "Well done Naru-kun, you move like your father indeed!" "Arigato Otēsan. Also Sakura are you going to be joining the academy next year?" "Hai Naruto-kun." "Ok hopefully we'll be in the same class and genin team." "Yeah if we were then that would be a dream come true." Sakura said out loud. "Uhh ok. Say Sakura do you want to have a sleepover? We've got enough space for all your friends. I have a hot springs too." "HAI! Uhh I mean hai I would love to. I'll tell everone about it." I then walked up to her and put a FR seal on her arm. "Whenever your in trouble just pour some chakra into this seal I will feel the chakra and teleport to you." "Ok arigato Naruto-kun!" I smiled at her and me and Otēsan started walking home.

Sakura POV:
I walked to my house to ask my parents if I could have the sleepover. "Kaa-chan, Tou-san could I have a sleepover?" "Where?" Both of them asked. "Well do you know the Yondaime Hokage?" They both nodded. "Well, his son invited me and my friends to a sleepover at his house." "Ohh sweetie it's Naruto-kun, of course you can go honey. I haven't seen that boy since he was a baby. I wonder how he's doing in his ninja studies." "Well Tou-san he's really incredible, I mean he single-handely took out a shinobi with just a kunai and an earth jutsu! He's also joining the academy! He's so cute as well he's going to get so many fangirls, but I will be his wife!" Tou-san said, "That is the only boy I approve of you to be with honey, a boy who's strong right now and is only going to become stronger!" "Thanks Tou-san! What about you Kaa-chan can I go?" "Of course you can honey, we might come along, I haven't seen Minato and Kushina and little Naruto-kun in some time."

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