Bell Stealing Exersice

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Naruto POV:
I woke up at 6am and found Sakura snuggling into my chest. I woke her up and we went to the bathroom to do our morning routines. After we were done we ate breakfast and headed out to Training Ground no. 7. When we arrived we saw Sasuke there and no Kakashi. "He's late again huh?" I said. "Yep, every time. Not a very punctual sensei." Sasuke said. "Hey Sasuke would your parents let you have a sleepover at mine?" "Yeah." "Alright well I'm inviting you to a sleepover at my place. You won't need an address my house is there." I said pointing to the massive building South-West of the Training Ground. "Wait what? Sakura is that really his house!" "Yep you think the exterior is good, you should see the interior!" After a few hours of talking it was 10 o'clock and Kakashi-sensei still wasn't here. Then finally at 10:30 he arrived with the most irritating eye smile. "You're so late Kakashi-sensei you told us to be here at 8:00 and you're here at 10:30?! What the hell!" Sasuke shouted. "Sorry I'm late, I saw a black cat and I decided to go the long way." "Again with these annoying excuses let's just get on with this exercise." Sasuke said. "This exercise is called the bell test, you three will have to steal these two bells from me before noon. Get ready. DISPERSE!" Everyone went to hide. 'So there are only two bells and three of us are trying to take one bell from him, what is he trying to make us do. Two bells, three people trying to take one bel- ohhh. So the test is about teamwork. I have to tell the others before one of them wastes too much chakra!' I thought.

Sasuke POV:
"What is Kakashi-sensei doing? Is he.. reading? What is the book name?!" I saw the orange book and I activated my Sharingan to see clearer. 'Makeout Tactics? Eww! So that's why he's always so late! He's reading that peverted book that Tou-san always reads!' I then felt a light tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see Naruto there, "Sasuke I know the purpose of the test and I figured out a plan." I told him everything about the purpose of the test and my plan.

Sakura POV:
'I should look for Naruto-kun and Sasuke. Maybe Naruto-kun has figured out a plan.' Then I heard footsteps behind me and turned around. What I saw scarred me for life. Naruto was stumbling to me with blood covered all over him. But Naruto wouldn't let this happen to him so easily? And he has the Whirlpegan he can see right through any attacks. And could heal anything with it as well. It had to be a Genjutsu. I mentally shouted, 'Kai!' Then the fake disappeared. 'Hm I knew it my Naruto-kun is too good for that. Then I saw a white flash next to me and saw Naruto-kun standing there.

Naruto tells Sakura about the purpose of the test and the plan that he told Sasuke. They all got into position then Sakura and Sasuke jumped down to attack Kakashi. Naruto disguised his chakra and went behind a tree to see what was happening. He poured out a bit of chakra to Sasuke and Sakura and they both nodded and jumped back and did a few hand seals. Sasuke did a Fireball jutsu and Sakura did a water dragon jutsu. Naruto threw a FTG Kunai near Kakashi's feet and teleported in a white flash. He did one hand sign and a purple hand of chakra cane out of his back. It wrapped around Kakashi and he got hit with both the jutsus. Naruto swiped the bells off of Kakashi and handed them to Sakura and Sasuke. "Well Kakashi we took the bells so we pass right?" Naruto asked. "Yeah you pass guys! Nice teamwork." Kakashi said with an eye smile.

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