Meeting Our Sensei

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Naruto POV:
We were waiting in the class for hours now and it had been the perfect time for me to catch up on my Fūinjutsu book. I'm almost through level 9 and almost on level 10, and after that I'll be studying proper Uzumaki seals. I just need to create and study more on seals and fūinjutsu. I finished the book I was reading and heard Sasuke shout, "Ugh when is he coming I'm so bored!!" "Shut up baka I'm sure he will come soon, right Naruto-kun?" "Yeah I sense him now." I replied. Then came in Kakashi Hatake. "Why are you so late?!" "Sorry I got lost on the path of life." "So you guys must be the prodigy team. I checked the scores on you guys and I'm quite impressed. One particular person caught my eye. Beating the likes of Minato-sensei is unheard of but you're his son so who better to continue the name of the Namikaze, or Uzumaki than you Naruto. Sakura Haruno. To say the least I wasn't really surprised with your score I was told this is the prodigy team after all. Now Sasuke on the other hand I would've thought you would at least come in top 5 since your an Uchiha after all but I guess you did alright. Meet me on the roof for introductions. Kakashi body flickered to the roof and I picked Sakura up and held Sasuke's shoulder to body flicker to the roof. Everyone was there and we started the introductions. "Ok so your going to tell me your hobbies things you like and dislike and your dreams for the future." "Sensei could you do it first since you were late." "Hmm ok. My name is Kakashi Hatake. My hobbies, likes and dislikes are none of your concern and my dream for the future? I haven't really thought about it." "All we got is your name?" I asked. "Mhm. Sakura you go first." "Ok. My name is Sakura Haruno my hobbies are training and hanging out with my friends. I like no I love Naruto-kun. I hate when Sasuke thinks he's godsend and gets really arrogant and cocky. My dream for the future is to be a strong kunoichi and to be with Naruto-kun." "Hm. Okay Sasuke you next." "My name is Sasuke Uchiha my hobbies, I don't have any. I like training with Nii-san and hanging out with my family. I dislike Naruto and my dream for the future is to beat Naruto." "Sasuke how can you beat Naruto-kun if he was toying with you and still knocked you out." "Shut up forehead last time I checked you couldn't beat him either." Sakura grabbed his shirt and gave him a hard right hook to his head. I tried to contain my laughter but I couldn't. "Why would I ever try to fight Naruto-kun you baka! He's my boyfriend!" "Ok, ok now Naruto you finish off the Introductions." "Hai. My name is Naruto Namikaze. My hobbies are training, eating ramen with Iruka Sensei and hanging out with my family. I like Sakura-chan and I don't dislike anyone. My dream for the future is to be the Hokage." "Ok. You all have your own ambitions and dreams and people to protect and that's the start to the Shinobi life. Tomorrow come to Training Ground no. 7 at 8am for a test. Oh and don't eat anything or you'll puke." With that he body flickered away to leave the three genin at thought. "Don't worry guys we can eat our breakfast." I said. "What do you mean he just said not to eat breakfast." "Shut up Sasuke let Naruto-kun explain!" "What I mean is, why would he make us miss the most important meal of the day. If we listen we're going to be at 40% of our strength if we don't listen we'll have our full strength. Alright. You guys wanna go to a restaurant to get to know each other." "I'll do it. I see what you're thinking, building up team chemistry." "Yep teamwork is essential for a squad of three. Me and Sakura-chan already have that chemistry so we need to get to know Sasuke." "I'll go too." Sasuke said. "Alright meet me at the BBQ Restaurant and we'll talk there. Also Sakura-chan my parents let us have a sleepover you down to come?" "Of course, if I can sleep in the same bed as you." "Alright sure after we've finished eating at the BBQ place pack stuff for three days at yours, I'll pick you up and walk you to mine." "Alright let's go to the restaurant!" "Ok." We went to the restaurant to get to know about each other and when we were finished I headed home to find alarming news. When I arrive Kaa-chan, Tou-san and Onēsan are in the kitchen waiting for me. I could sense that they were nervous and didn't want to tell me something but I didn't know what. "Naru-kun we've come to tell you that... I'm pregnant.

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