Saving My Crush

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just pretend he looks like minato i cba creating a picture, im tired On to the story---
Naruto POV:
I was walking into Ichiraku's Ramen when I heard cries and shouts from an alleyway. I sensed 4 kids in the alleyway and then I sensed Sakura. She was being bullied by 3 boys. "Look at the size of her forehead hahaha, I bet elephants gather round on that massive forehead!" One of the boys said with the two others laughing and nodding. "Leave me alone!" "Did I just hear billboard brow talk back!" He tried to smack her but I flash stepped in front of Sakura and caught his hand. "I suggest you three run away right now if you know what's good for you." "Hey who do you think you are brat!" He tried to throw a punch at Sakura but I held her bridal style and teleported to the rooftops. I settled her down and threw a FR Kunai where we were before. I disappeared in a white flash and reappeared next to them in a white flash. "I guess you leave me no choice but to fight. I won't have to do much considering your knowledge which your lacking and your lack in ninjutsu and genjutsu. You have unlocked your chakra but you don't have many jutsus in your arsenal. I guess I'll just end this quickly. I activated my Whirlpegan and all three of them looked into the moving spiral in my eyes. They were trapped in a genjutsu. In their mind it was 72 hours in real life time, it was a second. Immediately they fell to the floor. I teleported to Sakura and asked, "Hey Sakura-chan are you all right?" "Yeah I'm fine now. Arigato for saving me Naruto-kun. I just don't get why you waste your time with a freak like me. I have a massive forehead and bubblegum hair. I can't even put up in a fight. Your the hottest and strongest kid in Konoha. A prodigy child like you doesn't need a nobody like me-" I interrupted her and kissed her passionately. "Hey don't you remember what I told you when we first met, your forehead makes you look cute and I love your pink hair. Also your not a nobody in my opinion your the most beautiful woman in the whole of Konoha don't beat yourself up because some baka's talked you down." I picked her up bridal style and took her home but not before kissing her forehead and saying that I'll see her at the academy.

The Prodigy Of Konohagakureحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن