[4] - The Sister

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Joel's POV

"Erick you came!!" Said his sister opening her arms.

He ran into her arms and instantly started crying.

"No baby don't cry, I'm okay" She said. "I should have come to see you sooner" He said. "It's okay, you're here now and that's what matters" She said.

"So who's that?" She asked pointing at me. "That's Joel, he's... my friend" He said. "I see, 'friend'" She said.

"And is he the same 'friend' that gave you all those hickeys on your neck?" She asked. "N-no, what are you talking about..." He said. "AWW ERICK YOU'RE BLUSHING" She said. "NO I'M NOT" He said.

"You don't have to tell me anything but you do need to cover that up before mom sees that because she WILL kill you AND him" She said.

"Here you can wear my sweater" I said taking off my sweater and handing it to him.

"Wow he's adorable and he's a gentleman, I approve" She said. "You don't need to approve anything, there's nothing going on between us" He said. "Erick I'm your sister, not an idiot and I can see it all over your face" She laughed.

"But enough about you and your little boyfriend, what made you finally come see me?" She asked. "He did actually" He said.

"You're kidding right? Mom texted you about a million times to come and see me and you didn't do it but your 'friend' over here tells you to and you do it?" She said. "Erick?" She said.

"Okay fine... maybe there is something..." He said. "I KNEW IT" She said. "But it's none of your business, noseyyy" He said. "Ok then I'll just ask Joel" She said.

"Joel, are you my brother's boyfriend?" She asked. "Um... something like that" I laughed. "What do you mean something- OMG NO WAY" She said.

"Erick I'm suprised" She said. "You're not one to be in a non committal relationship" She said. "Shut up!" He whispered. "What does that mean?" I asked.

"Erick doesn't do 'no strings attached'. When he likes somebody he falls, and he falls hard" She said. "Wow and I just said that to the one person I shouldn't have" She said embarrassed.

"Joel..." He said. "I'm going to go now, but I'll text you later" I said walking away.

Did she just basically say Erick has real feelings for me?


Icalled Rich and Chris to come over and tell them what happened.

"Soooo instead of letting him go and moving on like I suggested, you told him you guys are friends, THEN you fucked his brains out, THEN you took him to see his sister who basically told you that he has feelings for you? That's what you're telling us?" Said Rich.

"I think you hit every point, yes" I said. "Joel's made a friend Rich, we should be proud of him" Said Chris. "Chris can you stop joking around?" I said.

"You know, I think you're ready for a real relationship Joel" Said Rich. "And I think you want that with Erick" He said. "AHAHAHA JOEL?! RELATIONSHIP?" Laughed Chris.

"Joel doesn't do relationships and I don't think he's ever actually been in a real one before" He said. "And I'm not ready to be in one now" I said. "Joel admit it, you like him and not just in the bedroom, but you have real feelings" Said Rich. "I don't actually" I said.

"So why do you care so much that he may have real feelings for you?" He asked. "Because Richard, Joel doesn't have real feelings and if Erick does then they can't continue to do what they're doing" Said Chris. "See, Chris understands" I said.

"I don't believe you, but if you say so" Said Rich. "What are you going to do?" He asked. "Here's an idea, ask him" Said Chris.

"Yeah because he'll totally admit that he has real feelings for Joel and risk the fact that he will never fuck him again, yeah definitely" Said Richard sarcastically. "You think you're so funny don't you?" I said. "I'm just being truthful" He said.


Erick's POV

After my sister put Joel in that awkward position and he walked out, I wanted to go after him but my mom showed up and let's just say she wasn't very happy and took me home right away.

"Erick where were you last night while your sister was dying in the hospital?!?" She said. "Mom, I'm sorry I-" I said. "I didn't ask if you were sorry, I asked where you were and I need an answer" She said. "I- I was with a friend" I said. "Really?! What friend?" She asked.

"Uh- Zabdiel" I said. "That's funny because I called him last night because I thought you were with him and he said he had no idea where you were" She said. "THE TRUTH ERICK. Where were you and with who?!?" She said.

"I'm not lying, I was with Zabdiel. I know I should've been with my sister but I just couldn't bear to see her like that and-" I said. "I've heard enough. You're grounded. You are not to leave this house unless it is for school and school only and I will find out exactly where you were last night" She said.

"Mom you can't ground Erick. He did come to see me last night" Said my sister coming down the stairs. "What?" Said my mom. "Yeah he actually stayed with me all night" She said.

"And why didn't you tell me this?" She asked. "I had no idea you didn't already know, I assumed he told you" She said. "So then why did he just lie to my face?" She asked. "He didn't, Zabdiel was with us" She said.

"All night?" She asked. "Yes, all night" She said. "And Zabdiel told me he didn't know where Erick was because?" She said. "Erick didn't show up until after that call so he was telling the truth" She said.

"At first I thought you were lying but you seem to have the full story" She said. "Erick you're ungrounded" She said going upstairs.

"HOW DID YOU-" I said in shock. "I was making up the story as I went along honestly" She laughed. "Why did you do that?" I asked. "Because you're my little brother and I know exactly where you were and we wouldn't want mom finding that out" She said.

"You were with that boy" She said with a beaming smile. "Erick's got a boyfriend?" She said. "No, Erick doesn't have a boyfriend" I said.
"And he'll probably never talk to me again after what you said" I said.

"I'm sorry for that. Consider me saving your ass just now as my apology" She said.

"Now, you have to tell me everything all the way from the beginning with not a detail left out" She said. "You go get the snacks while I go wait for you in my room before mom starts yelling at me since I'm supposed to be on bed rest" She said. "Okay, see you there" I said.


I don't have anything to say so... Hope you enjoyed the chapter :)!!

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