[11] - Busted

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Joel's POV

I woke up to somebody knocking on my door at 7 a.m.

"What are you doing here this early?" I asked. "I wanted to check on you before I went to school" He said walking inside. "Erick you really didn't have to" I said. "I wanted to" He said.

"So, what's up?" I said. "I don't want to go to school" He said. "Ohhh that's why you're here" I said. "Well why not?" I asked.

"Because I'll be all alone" he said. "Jax pretty much hates me, I don't like Zabdiel, and they were my only friends" he said. 

"What about Rich and Chris?" I asked. "Those are your friends, not mine" he said. "I know that but they're not terrible people, you could be friends with them" I said. "I don't think they like me very much" he said.

"How could somebody not like you?" I said. "I don't know about Rich but Chris seems to like you" I said. "What? Me and Richard were just talking yesterday and he didn't seem to hate me or anything" He said.

"Really? He was the one that told me to, and I quote 'let go of you' and Chris told me not to" I said. "And you listened to RICHARD?!" He said. "Calm down" I said. "I did for like a second but then I realized I couldn't live without you" I said.

"Now, you're going to school and to make sure, I'll drive you but first I need to take a quick shower" I said.

"But I don't wannaaaa" He whined flailing his arms. "You're such a baby" I said. "You're going and that's that. Now find something to do while I go shower" I said.


Erick's POV

He said 'quick' shower and it's been at least 45 minutes and I'm just sitting on his couch, bored out of my mind, with nothing to do.

So I decided to go in his room and snoop through his stuff.

This is the part in the murder movies where I find something I shouldn't and then he locks me in his basement right?

Unfortunately, I didn't find anything at all and I was really hoping I would. I mean I did find a rope but Joel's very kinky so I'm not even going to question that.

I'm going to go see what's taking him so long. It's not weird if I walk in on him, nothing I haven't seen before.

"Joel what does 'quick' mean to you because it's been 45 minutes and that's a long time to me" I said opening the door. "Give me like 10 more" He said "And what am I supposed to do? Just sit here and wait?!" I asked. "Yes, exactly" He said.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" he asked. "Erick...?" He said.

I'll admit, at first it didn't bother me but now standing here outside the shower while he's in it... I just have the urge to...

"Don't do it" He said. "Don't do what?" I said removing my clothes. "You're doing it right now" He said. "But I want to" I said slowly walking into the shower.

He looked at me up and down and pulled me closer and slowly kissed me.

I feel like I'm in my own fairy tail and he's my prince kissing me in the rain.


Joel's POV

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