[7] - Jax You Idiot...

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Erick's POV

"What happened to Zabdiel, why isn't he walking with us?" He asked. "And who was that guy from yesterday? he seemed pretty scary" He said. "Sorry for asking so many questions" He said.

"Okay Jax, breathe" I said. "Zabdiel and I are no longer friends. Why? Because he can't be trusted" I said. "And as for that 'scary guy' from yesterday, I'd assume you mean the one at my locker right?" I said. "Yeah" He said.

"That's Joel and if you would've asked me that same question yesterday at school, I would've told you he's not scary and he's nothing to worry about" I said. "But after something that happened yesterday afternoom, I'd say you should probably stay away from him" I said.

"Oh and if you have a brain and want to live, you'd stay away from me whenever he's around" I said.

"Why, is he your boyfriend?" He asked. "No" I said. "So then why does it matter if I'm around you?" He asked. "Because- nevermind" I said. "I'm not just going to stay away from you if you don't tell me why I should" He said.

"Joel is um...how do I put this? INSANE and I realized that yesterday when he expressed his feelings with me about you" I said. "What does that mean? 'expressed his feelings'?" He asked. "Wait and why does it matter how he feels?" He said.

"Oh you have so much to learn" I said.

"Joel is the one person you DON'T want to mess with, or his friends unless you're looking to die" I said. "I'm just going to tell you the absolute truth since none of this is going to make sense unless I do" I said.

"Joel isn't my boyfriend and he never was but, he was something else..." I said. "Are you trying to say you guys were fuck buddies without saying it?" He asked. "YES FINALLY YOU UNDERSTAND SOMETHING" I said.

"Anyways, yesterday I did the dumbest thing I could possibly do. I tried to make him jealous because he was ignoring me" I said. "He doesn't look like the type of person who took that lightly" He said. "Yeah... He didn't" I said.

"I'm not going to say exactly what happened but he wasn't very happy LIKE AT ALL, and all I'm going to say is his hand was around my neck and yeah..." I said.

"Oh- So either he was trying to kill you or he was trying to turn you on..." He said. "I think it was somewhere in between" I said. "And he felt that I should know he doesn't like you at all" I said. "So I think you're in danger" I said.

"Wow second day of school and the school's sex freak psychopath already wants to kill me. That's got to be a record" He said. "No but seriously, just watch out" I said. "Okay, okay" He said.

"Oh look who it is" Said a voice coming from behind us.

Oh no, I know that voice.

"Look it's Erick and that new kid" Said Richard. "What a crazy coincidence that we bumped into you guys" Said Chris. "We're going to the same place it's not that much of a coincidence" Said Jax. "SHUT UP" I whispered.

"So um where's the other guy?" Said Jax. "You mean Joel?" Said Chris. "Yeah, him" He said.

"Are you stupid or something?" Asked Richard. "No?" Said Jax. "You do know that you're not supposed to be around Erick right?" He said. "And what's Joel going to do to me if I continue to be around him?" He asked.

"He'll probably punch you in the face a couple of times but it's not you I'm worried about" He said. "It's what he'll do to Erick that scares me" He said. "Yeah Joel's a bit of a psycho and he already warned Erick once so we can't imagine what'll happen to him if he sees you two together a second time" Said Chris.

"Actually, we were just headed to his house to pick him up so why don't you guys walk with us?" Said Richard. "I don't think-" I said. "Nonsense, it's right there. Chris will ring the bell and we'll wait outside" He said. "This should be fun" Said Jax. "You have no idea" Said Chris.

Joel's POV

"I hope you don't mind but we have some people joining us on our walk to school today" Said Chris when I opened the door. "That depends. Who?" I asked. "Come see" He said with a beaming smile. "Okay..." I said.

No way... He wants to die.

"You know, I didn't expect to see you two together" I said walking towards them. "Joel-" Said Erick. "Shhhh" I said putting my finger on his lips. "I don't want to hear anything from you, I just want to get to know your friend here" I said.

"Jax, right?" I asked putting my arm around. "Yup that's me" He said. "I know we were introduced yesterday but I was a bit occupied with Erick" I said. "I'm Joel" I said. "Yeah, I know" He said. "Oh, you do?" I said pretending to be surprised.

"So then I guess that means you also know about me and Erick, right?" I said. "Uh huh, sounds about right" He said. "And you know that you shouldn't be standing here with him right now?" I asked. "Well aware" He said.

"Erick, I think your friend wants to die today" I said. "Why do you look so scared baby?" I asked. "Joel, please don't do anything stupid or unnecessary" He said in a low scared voice. "Erick you know I would never ever do anything like that" I said.

"Why are you the one that looks so scared of me when he should be the one who's scared?" I asked. "Oh and where's your other boyfriend Zabdiel?" I said. "Can you just stop all of this?" He asked.

"Oh you want me to stop when yesterday I asked you to stop being around this kid and you didn't listen, so why should I listen to you? Give me one good reason" I said. "He didn't do anything" He said. "That's funny because to me it seems like he knows what he's doing and he doesn't care" I said.

"That's true, I don't, and I'm not scared of you and your friends" He said. "See Erick it's like he's asking for me to do something" I said.

"Stop" He said standing in front of me. "This is stupid" He said. "You want me? I'm yours, but leave Jax out of it" He said.

"No actually, I don't want you anymore. I told you what I wanted and you didn't listen" I said. "So now you and your little buddy better watch your backs" I said moving him out of the way.

"But tell Zabdiel he's off the hook, I don't care to toy with him anymore. I think I already hurt him enough" I said.

"See you cuties at school" I said walking away with Rich and Chris.

Erick's POV

"ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR FUCKING MIND?!" I said. "I TOLD YOU NOT TO MESS WITH HIM AND YOU TOTALLY DISREGARDED THAT" I said. "Erick I'm not scared of some guy who thinks he can  beat my ass for no reason " He said.


"Erick, calm down" he said. "He's not going to hurt me, and he's not going to hurt you because I won't let him" He said.

"Aww that's cute but um THERE'S THREE OF THEM" I said. "Can you just calm down? Joel seems to be extremely protective of you and I doubt he'd do anything to hurt you despite what he said" He said.

"JAX HE'S GOING TO HURT YOU" I said. "HE- I'm just going to stop wasting my breath because you don't seem to care what he does to you" I said. "Good idea" He said patting me on the back.


Is that a fight I hear? Hmmm. Ok but ngl I made Joel like highkey insane in this book and I kinda love it but at the same time I'm scared for Erick's life considering Joel so easily held it in his hands...

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