[6] - I Don't Play Games

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[At Joel's House]

Erick's POV

"Joel?" I called out opening his door. "You left the front door unlocked so I just walked in" I said. "Hellooooo Joelllll" I said. "I didn't come here to play games, where are you??" I said.

"Erick, you kept me waiting for too long" He said appearing out of nowhere. "I'm sorry I was with-" I said. "Jax is it?" he said pushing me up against the wall and putting his hand around my neck.
"I don't like him" He said.

"Okay..." I said nervously. "I know what you were doing earlier" he said. "Trying to make me jealous by kissing Zabdiel, and then again with Jax" He said. "I wasn't doing-" I said. "Don't make it worse by lying to me about it" He said tightening his grip.

"It worked though didn't it? Or else we wouldn't be in this position right now" I said. "Cute, you think you won, don't you?" He said.

"Here's the thing, I don't like sharing. When you're with me, you belong to me and me ONLY" he said. "And today you tested that, and I don't like that" He said.

"So for one, you're not going to get what you really came here for" he said trailing his fingers all over my body. "And as of right now I'm done with you. I told you I don't like playing games" He said.

"One more thing before you go" he said. "Zabdiel knew kissing you would make me mad, didn't he?" He asked. "Ye-yes" I said. "He knows me so well, you should ask him how" He said. "How what?" I asked. "How we know each other" He said.

"I guess now you know not to play with me right?" He said. "Mhm y-yeah" I whimpered. "Good" He said.

"Oh and have fun dealing with that" He whispered seductively in my ear while lightly stroking my boner.

"Now, you may see yourself out" He said finally removing his hand from my neck and walking away.


Joel's POV

"Are you going to tell us what happened or?" Said Richard. "I won, that's what happened" I said. "But how? What happened?" Asked Chris with his face full of pizza. "Nothing worth sharing but I definetly got my point across" I said smiling. "And I told him to ask Zabdiel about us" I said.

"Joel that was just wrong, even for you" He said. "How? Zabdiel knows how I am yet he decided to help Erick push my buttons so now he has to pay for that" I said. "You'd think he knows better by now but guess not" Said Chris. "Yeah, that's going to be a fun little conversation they have" I said. "And if Zabdiel refuses to tell him, then I will" I said.

"And here we thought Erick was making you soft" said Rich. "When in reality he just made you more of a monster" He said.

"I'm not a monster but I don't like being played with and I think he gets that now" I said. "Now shut up and let's enjoy this pizza and watch the movie" I said.


Erick's POV

I cannot believe what just happened... I don't even know how to move on from that and I don't think I can if I'm being honest. But what I do want to know is why he told me to ask Zabdiel how they know each other so now I'm at his house to find out.

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