[9] - Apology

10 2 43

Erick's POV

As soon as I walked out of the nurse's office, I was pulled into and empty classroom.

I already knew who it was without even seeing his face.

"Joel why am I in here?" I asked. "I felt bad..." He said. "I'm sorry, FOR WHICH THING?!" I yelled.


"I'm not sorry for hurting Jax" he said. "I warned him and he chose to ignore that" He said.

"I'm sorry for hurting you" He said. "I'm sorry for the way I talked to you outside and at my locker" he said. "After I saw you cry, I was mad at myself for being the reason and then Jax approached me and provoked me so I took it out on him" He said.

Wait a minute... I'm not sure if I should still be mad or feel bad because he feels bad.

"Why are you apologizing after you made it clear more than once, that you don't want me anymore?" I asked. "Erick, if you haven't noticed it yet, I'm very self destructive and I tend to ruin things when they're good" He said. "You don't say" I said sarcastically.

"When I saw you trying to make me jealous when you kissed Zabdiel I tried to pretend it didn't bother me but then when I saw the way Jax made you smile, I lost it" he said. "I think I might actually like you and I'm scared of that" He said.

"So I talked to you the way I did because I was trying to push you away because you hating me was easier for me to accept than me having real feelings for you" He said.

"Joel..." I said. "So you beat somebody up and hurt my feelings because you like me?" I asked. "As crazy as it sounds, yes" He said.

"Erick, I don't know how to positively share my feelings with  anybody, I always show it by doing something negative" he said. "I don't know I guess I was just born that way" He said.

"Maybe I really am a monster" He said looking away from me.

"That's not true" I said. "You're not a monster" I said. "You just need somebody to show you how to be less of one" I said. "And I'll help you" I said hugging him.

"You're hugging me" He said. "Yes?" I said. "Does that mean you're not mad at me?" He asked with tears in his eyes. "Aww Joel don't cry for me" I said. "Save your tears for somebody who cares" I joked mimicking him.

"I'm still a little bit mad at you because my friend over there was unconscious, but now that I know why you did it, I guess I'm not as mad as I was before" I said.

"Oh and there's something you should know..." I said nervously.

"I kissed him..." I said."WHAT?!" He said getting angry all over again.

"Hey, hey. Look at me" I said staring into his eyes. "It didn't mean anything at all" I said. "I mean I've known the guy for like two seconds, I'm not even sure why I did it" I joked.

"You're the person I have real feelings for" I said. "And we can go as slow as you want. I just want to make sure you're not going to go and beat anybody else up for me" I said. "I can't make any promises but I'll try" He said.

"Now I'm about to go do something I've never done before and I never thought I'd do it" he said. "But I'm doing it for you" He said. "What are you about to do?" I asked.

"I'm going to own up to hurting Jax" He said.

"Really??" I asked suprised. "Yes because it's the right thing to do and I don't want you to be mad at me anymore at all" He said.

"Before you go, I'm proud of you" I said kissing him. "I like when you're proud of me" He said kissing me back.

As he was walking away he walked past Richard.

"Joel where were you I was looking everywhere? And where are you going??" He asked. "I'll tell you later" He said."Wait but- eh whatever" He said.

"Richard can you come here for a second?" I said. "Sure but just because Joel's not giving it to you, doesn't mean I will" He said. "I don't want it" I said.

"Why are we in here?" He asked. "I don't know what just happened" I said. "I do. Joel beat that kid's ass and I wasn't there to see it. I feel betrayed" He said. "That's not what I meant" I said.

"Now do you see just how crazy he really is?" He said. "Yeah... but I think I'm going crazy too because I'm pretty sure he just told me he has feelings for me" I said.

"You didn't already know that?" He asked. "You did?" I asked. "Wait you think Joel's just naturally this crazy?" He said. "Yes..." I said. "No Erick, he's crazy for you" He said.

"Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" I asked. "I don't know but it's dangerous" He said.

"Earlier when we were walking to school and I told that guy he should stay away from you, it wasn't because I cared about what happened to him. It was because I cared about what happened to you" he said. "I've never seen Joel have a real crush on somebody but with you he does and he's very possessive over you" he said.

"Why were you worried about me? You think he'd hurt me?" I asked. "No, not hurt like that kid, he'd never do that. I meant hurt in a different way..." he said.

"Which reminds me, what happened yesterday?" He asked. "I'd tell you but I'm not entirely sure" I said. "Joel said it wasn't worth sharing but I feel like because he said that, something big happened" He said.

"He did threaten Jax and Zabdiel's life but that's all I remember" I said. "Also I couldn't tell if he was trying to hurt me or if he was trying to turn me on" I said. "You just never know with Joel" He said.

"And where was he going just now?" He asked. "To admit to the principal that he was the one that hurt Jax" I said. "WHAT?! Joel never owns up to anything" he said. "He said he was doing it for me, I guess so I would think he's a better person?" I said.

"Erick He really likes you for him to do something like that" he said. "You're changing him and I think it's for the better" He said.

"I've never been more confused in my life. He told me he didn't want me then he did then he didn't again and now he likes me?" I said confused. "Yes pretty much" he said.

"Now I have to go find Chris and tell him all this, you go make sure your friend is still alive" He said winking at me and walking away.

What have I gotten myself into...


psycho turned into a baby real quick. I just wanna know which team are you on (forget the fact that this is a joerick book for a sec) Jax and Erick or Erick and Joel ;)?

fOoL fOr YoUWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt