Part 3

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„So i See you are very tired, I can understand that. Come, I'll show you our guest room."

Damiano got up and showed her where she could sleep. Victoria came with a shirt and some pants of hers. „It should fit you. I'll borrow it to you for tonight, and tomorrow we'll be going shopping. You need Cloth to wear. And i need a reason to go shopping."

She chuckled a little at the last part. „I'm sleeping just next door and Victoria upstairs just down the hall. Ethan and Thomas room are on the other side of the House, just in case, if you need anything." Damiano said and smiled at her.

„Thanks, but I guess I'll be fine. Just one thing, do you maybe have a charger for my Phone? It was the only thing I could grab before leaving and it has all the memories to my Family on it....." She asked shyly.

„If you give it to me, I can see what I can find. If its not charged by tomorrow, we're buying you a new charger." „Oh no that's fine, I would have to buy a new Phone anyways, once I can have money again. Since I was just kicked out of my Job a month ago."

He looked at her surprised. „Well you get a new charger anyways. Just for the memories. So you can keep looking at them. But for now you should go to sleep. Good night Bella"

He gave her a last hug before she went into her room. Damiano went to Victorias room to tell her what Bella had just told him, so that she would buy her a new Phone. He couldn't handle the thought of her maybe wandering around the streets of Rome and not being able to communicate with anyone in an emergency situation.

After their little chat, they both went to bed. But it was about 2am when he woke up again, hearing soft cries out of Annabella's room. He got up and knocked on her door before coming inside.

He saw her curled up in the corner of the room her body shaking for crying. She didn't even realized he came into her room, she could just repeat the same words over and over again. „Why do I get all this bad things happen to me, I didn't do anything bad. Life hates me"

He was worried for her so I just went to her and pulled her into a hug „Hey hey hey Bella, look at me okay? Everything's gonna be allright okay? Dont worry you're gonna be fine. Shhh please calm down."

When his Words didn't helped, he remembered her saying she liked their music and it has helped her before so he just started singing to her silently. After a while she really did calmed down.

At least she stopped crying and screaming. He continued singing for her and after another while she was able to talk again. „

Thank you Damiano. I'm sorry if I woke you up." „Hey don't worry about me. Are you okay now?" He wanted to let her out of the hug but she couldn't let him go. She was so tired of beeing left alone, even tho she knew it was just for the night and he would still be there in the morning but her anxiety told her otherwise.

„Uhm I don't want this to sound weird but... uh... could you... maybe... sleep here with me? I'm scared alone, all these nightmares about my family and now the fires keep coming back when I'm alone..." she asked him shyly.

„Sure I can do that, no problem. If it helps you sleeping, I'm happy to do that." He gave her a smile and helped her get on her feet again.

„Let me just go and grab my bedsheets from my room. I'll be back in a sec." he went to his room to take his bedsheets and also wrote a quick message in their WhatsApp group chat so the others won't suspect anything.

He knew them and he could sense that it would make Annabella feel uncomfortable if they made some easy comments yet. After he sent the message he put his phone back to where it was and grabbed his bedsheets and went back to Annabella.

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