Part 9

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I'm putting a Trigger Warning here, cus I'll describe how Bella lost her Family in this Chapter and it might be triggering to some of you, so if you can't deal with death and stuff around it you should skip this Chapter. Reading on your own risk, but have Fun doing it, if you do it. Keep an eye out for my Notes at the end... :)


„So it was in January 2017, when my Family decided to visit me. But they couldn't make it until early February. If you're asking for dates, they planed on flying on the 9th of February and wanted to stay two weeks until the 27th. My Mom, my Dad and my Sister.

My parents were both single Childs, both lost their Parents, so my grandparents when they were in their 20s. I didn't even met my grandparents, so that's for this part.

Anyways, we talked in the evening of the 8th about their flights and times and everything and how I was gonna pick them up at the Airport in Frankfurt and then go home with them to meet my Host Family.

The last time I had seen them alive was on my birthday on January 4th, before I went back to Germany, ending my Christmas Holidays in Italy. I remember that I was about to leave to the Airport, when I got a call from my Sisters Phone.

I knew something happened because they would never call me like this randomly. But at this Point I still thought it's just a delayed Flight or something. So i answered the Phone worrying already and had some Police Officer talking to me.

Thats when I realized it had to be bad.

They explained to me, that they had found my sisters Phone and I was the last one she called, so they called me back. They also told me, that my sister was the only one, who was still alive back then.

They told me my Family had been in an accident and that they're very sorry but my Parents were dead by the second they had been crashed. A fookin Truck crashed them off the Street onto the side against a tree because the driver was drunk and half asleep.

At first, obviously, I was like really mad at this driver, because he took my Family from me. I mean, who wouldn't be mad at someone who took their Family from them if you love them?!

But then I realized that it wouldn't bring me my Family back, so I just hoped he would regret it, but that's a different story to tell.

Anyways. They also told me that my sister was still alive but had a broken leg so they took her to the Hospital in Trieste, where I'm originally from.

So they asked me if I could come to Italy, to clear things up and also to support my Sister. Of course I said yes and booked myself the next possible Flight to Italy.

I texted my host mom about it, because nobody was home yet. So when I arrived in Trieste and to the Hospital, I hadn't actually processed my Parents death yet, I actually had put it away, like id dint wanted to belive or even talk about it, because that way it wouldn't be real, you know?

They told me there were Complications during my Sisters surgery and they had to put her into a Coma, but my Sister left me Letter in case something happens. Now looking back at it, I think she knew that she wouldn't make it.

The letter said that she always loved me and that she's very sorry for everything and she wishes me nothing but to make the best out of my Life and to live it for her. She also said that our Parents always loved me and that they were Proud of me doing what I want to do.

After I read that I was really afraid, if I'll ever see her again alive and never beeing able to talk to her again. I did, but only for 5 Minutes.

She didn't survived it due to a brain injury that was hidden so well, the doctors couldn't see it, so I don't blame them.

We spoke a last time on the evening of the 9th February before she closed her eyes forever. She didn't said much, because I think she felt, her end was near. But she took all her strength together to tell me everything she wrote again in person.

She just reminded me to live my Life to the fullest because it can end way too fast. To Quote her exact words. „Live Life to the fullest because everything else is uncertain" (Yes I did quote no one else than the King, Louis Tomlinson himself, oops)

And she hugged me and told me she loved me one last time and after this she closed her eyes forever. It was one of the hardest Days, if not the Hardest Day in my Life so far.

It took me a whole Month to get everything together and plan a tripple funeral and get the money they left me to pay for this funeral.

They saved it for my Future but I had to use it to pay the funeral and to get all my stuff from Germany sent to me and all this. I never went back to Germany.

It just hurt me too much. When the Fire came up at the house, I was so ready to go see my family again, because the Life I had was everything but nice.

My boss had just kicked me out of Work after he threatened me 3 Years. I had no Friends, well, no real Friends. When I payed for everything or drove them somewhere, I was their friend, if not, I wasn't. I had obviously no Family to talk too about it and my colleagues weren't really nice either.

A few Moments before you showed up to save me from the fires the other night, I swear I could hear my Sister talk to me, to trust whoever shows up next and to not give up my Life. If that wouldn't have happened I think I wouldn't have gone with you or neither would I be here now.

Call me crazy but it actually happened and I belive this was a sign. And now I'm here. No Job, no home, no family, no nothing. I think you're practically the only Humans I can talk to now. I used to visit my Family's grave every Year on the Day of their death, but my boss didn't allowed it the last 2 Years.

I haven't visited them in 3 Years, because I am too afraid to go on my own. In Trieste, in the part of the City where I lived, everyone knows me.

They always look at me like 'oh that poor little girl lost everything.' It sucks because I can't stand them.

I was lucky my Parents also had a house here in Rome so I sold the house in Trieste and moved to Rome to start all over again, but it wasn't that good of an Idea.

All my Friends in Trieste that I had, they separated from me after my Family died. You wanna know why? Because they didn't wanted to be connected to some poor girl who has no family anymore.

I tried making new Friends here in Rome, but so far no luck, as I told you already. So I'm all alone now here, standing with nothing again."


So, this Chapter was very difficult to write for me and took me like 4 Days... Because its's more or less my own Story. My Grandpa died on February 9th, 2017 to Cancer. I wasn't at home I just got a call from my Mom saying he passed away. I was crying like my Life just ended. he meant everything to me, and I couldn't even say goodbye to him, because the last time I Saw him was in January when I visited him in the Hospital. He was already at his End, you could see and feel this. But he just continued to do his Jokes and laughed with us. he just made sure we had a good memory of him I guess. Ok enough of this otherwise I'll start crying again.

Also, the Friends part is my Story too. I just made some Friends here in the Måneskin Fandom but I had no other Friends before this. Everyone left me cus I was "the poor Girl that was so sad to loose her Grandpa" Or because their Boyfriends were too important blah blah blah. SO yeah, I basically spend my Heart to you Guys.

Feel free to leave me some Feedback and vote for it :)

xoxo, K. <3

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