Part 13

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„Thank you Bella, for sharing your Story. And thank you for accepting my Love towards you. I would have never thought this.

Vic said i should just try it and there is no way of you not accepting that but i was still unsure."

Damiano said and kissed her. Bella was just overwhelmed from all of her feelings and just nodded and kissed him back.

„Vic is a Genius, she made me realize I love you in the first place. Now go and end this show, I'll be waiting with the other Girls."

She send him back on stage and went back to the other Girls who were cheering her up.
After the Concert ended they were already waiting backstage for the Band with Leo.

„This was a Show of the extra class, was it?" Nica laughed and went to her Sister to hug her.

Bella was just standing in the middle feeling kind of lost not knowing what to do until Damiano came and pulled her in one big hug.

„Thank you for this Bella. I love you." She cuddled herself onto his chest and just smiled.

She knew that she had finally started a new chapter of her Life and that it could only be good as long as she had Damiano on her side.


Soooo this is the end??? maybe i'll write some more chaperts in the future but i don't want you keep waiting for a new chapter that isn't coming in ages. I hate short Storys but idk what to write here anymore and also i kinda don't find time thinking about it, since my life is turned pretty much upside down since october. Anyways i really do hope you likes this. Feel free to comment whatever you think about the story and also you can give me ideas of what to write if i add a new chapter. Oh and have you seen my Oneshots Book? i update a lot more there since it's easier to write there. Love you all

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