Part 10

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She ended her long speech and looked at Damiano with nothing but sadness in her eyes.

He didn't interrupted her one time, as he knew it can be difficult to speak about it from time to time.

But now he felt the need to just hug all the sadness out of her. So he took her into a long Hug and even kissed her hair, as she started crying after he hugged her. Her walls broke down when he pulled her into a hug.

She couldn't help it but she cried so much on his shoulder. „ I just miss them so much" she cried onto his sweatshirt.

„Shhh it's okay. There is nothing wrong with missing them. And if you want, I can come with you visiting your Family. We can even ask Victoria, Ethan and Thomas to join us if you would like that. We are here for you. You're not alone. We wont let you fall down.

And i think you should talk to Victoria sometime if you feel sad again. She lost her Mother too and know how this feels. But if you don't want to, of course that's okay. Also, im thankful for you sharing your story with me. Your such a strong Person."

He told her and held her in the hug until she was calm again and stopped crying. This Girl had so much to process in her Life already and she was just 21 years young. This was crazy. He just felt the need to protect her at all it costs.

When she had calmed down again, she gave him a tired smile and just said „Sorry for making your Sweater wet with my Tears and to bother you like this. I just sometimes can't control myself recently.

It all comes up again and I guess I haven't really processed it properly yet, since I took all the work I could get to not think about it but now that I have time and I also told you my story it's coming back and it hits me harder sometimes than I want it to."

He just shook his Head and took her face into his hands. „No Bella, listen clearly now, so hopefully you get what I say this time. It's okay.

I don't care if my Sweater gets wet, if a friend needs a shoulder to cry on Im happy to lend you mine. And you're also not bothering me. I would really like to help you. If you feel comfortable talking to me about all this, then im happy to listen to you.

And i meant it, if you want me and the others we can go with you to visit your Family. I'm sure they won't mind you bringing some friends, do they? Your sister said it herself, you should enjoy your life to the fullest and have some fun for her too.

And im sure this also meant, have some real friends who're here for you in good and in bad times. Who don't want your money or just borrow you as a taxi driver." He wiped away her tears that were starting to fall down her cheeks again.

„And now we are going to get you some food, because I'm hungry too in the meantime." He laughed, grabbed her Hand and just pulled her into the Kitchen, where Victoria was just done cooking.

„Ah perfectly you're here. I was just about to call you for Dinner. Thomas and Ethan are back too, so we can all eat together. And then we can just watch a movie or something together. Or do you two have other Plans?"

Bella was happy, that Vic acted like nothing happened, even tho she was sure, she could see her Tears. „No movie together sounds fine." Damiano answered for them.

„Great so why don't we watch this new horror movie from Stephen King that just came out? I wanted to watch it in the cinema but I had no chance since we were on tour and Eurovision and stuff." Thomas said excitingly while entering the Kitchen with Ethan. (A/N: I have no idea how hotter Movies are built up since I don't watch them for mental health so excuse me if there are any mistakes or so)

Ethan and Bella both made some very disagreeing faces but Damiano and Victoria both agreed on the horror movie so it was 3 against 2 and they decided for the horror movie. After dinner they all cleaned up and prepared the TV so they could start the Movie.

After a short period of Time the People in the movie started burning down a house with someone still inside and Annabella was reminded of her own tragic and got scared to almost death, so she just hid her Face on Damiano's chest, who was sitting next to her.

He placed his arm around her to make her feel comfortable. "Hey everything allright Bella?" he whispered. "No actually not. I don't like horror movies and this one is really scary and reminds me so much of my own life i hate it. And sorry for being so annoying" she cried in his sweatshirt.

"Hey it's okay, don't worry. You're not annoying and you can also cry on my shoulder as much as you want, if it helps you. I promise to protect you." he whispered back to her while putting an arm around her.

Whenever a scary scene came up on the screen now, Bella hid her Face on Damiano and tried to escape the scary movie. It was okay this way, but she was still scared as hell when the movie ended.

And she refused to leave Damiano's side afterwards even tho the others were now looking at them. She was too scared to care.

"This was definitly to scary for me and i guess bella too" Ethan said with looking at Bella who was still hiding on Damiano. "Yeah she was super scared and still is. Maybe we should put on a nice movie afterwards now to calm down." Damiano answered for her.

But the others were tired so they all up to get ready for bed. Before everyone left she had something she wanted to ask.

She had thought about Damiano's words from before a while now and decided, it's maybe a good idea to see her family again, but she knew she couldn't make it alone, so she wanted them all with her.

She trusted these People more within like 2 Days, than she had the 4 Years before with any other Person.

"Uhm Guys?" she spoke now finally but shyly. "Bella whats up?" Thomas asked her. "Uhm so... idk... i... uh.. i would... like to go... visit... my family.. you know... but... i can't make it alone, so..." she brought out stuttering.

"I'm coming with you of course. I wont let you go alone after what you have told me, but even if you didn't, i would have gone with you." Damiano said helping her out.

"I will fill you guys in tomorrow if you want to know, but you have to promise bella to not tell anyone. And with no one, we also mean your girlfriends. Vic, Ethan - yes this includes Van and Kati no need to protest. Bella made me promise this too. She said i can only tell you but no one else so far." he added when he saw Ethan and Vic protesting.


Soooo.... What do you think about my story so far? Do you like it? and what do you think about the current relationship between Dami and Bella? I'd love to hear what your thoughts are! Also, this is an extra long chapter with 1216 Words and it actually took me the whole week to write tho!!! Next one maybe before my exam but if not, then definitely afterwards! Depends on how busy I am with learning since it's on Tuesday.


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