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As a "first day back" tradition, our coach gave us the same old "welcome back" speech, although he adds a certain "don't fuck it up" twist to it, making it slightly intimidating. I mean, that's what you get when a cranky old football coach is training you, right?

The first day went by very quickly, and here I am, staying after school for practice. Some would say that is one giant pain in the ass, however, it isn't to me, I grew up playing football. You should've seen my room when I was younger; my walls were decorated by posters of David Beckham, Peter Crouch, Cristiano Ronaldo, Messi, Iker Casillas... the list goes on.

When it comes to training, I'm always the last person to leave the field. Carrying out numerous sets of drills, kicking the ball into the net, you get it, I push myself past the limit. You may think it's unhealthy, or that I'm beating myself up trying to be perfect, but I'm the captain of this team, and without me, we would all go to shit. I probably sound obnoxious or full of myself, but it's the truth; half of the guys in my team are only in it for the girls, the parties, and the status, and because I'm the captain of the team, they use me to climb up the school's social hierarchy. Fucking hyenas, I would say.

Normally I would enjoy staying late, however this time, I need to train longer. Yeah, you guessed it, Ashley. She's that person that doesn't want to talk things through, she always sweeps it under the rug and pretend as though nothing happened; but I am not a saint either, I distance myself, giving her some space and also pretend as though nothing ever happened. However, this time was a bit different, this time I called her names. Sure, she can be a pain in the ass sometimes, but never in my life have I ever called her a brat, that was crossing the line.

Well, I'm getting a bit carried away now, back to the story.

Once the coach gave us the "welcome back, don't fuck it up" speech, everyone stood up and grabbed our stuff to leave.

"Reynolds," the coach called me, signalling me to stay where I was. So I stood there, watching the rest of my teammates leave the room.

"How was training camp?" he asked me.

Let me tell you a few things about Coach Riggins. He has been my mentor for quite some time now, and thanks to him, I have become one of the best players this school has ever had. Even though he has a cold exterior and a horrible temper, he is one of the few people that saw something in me. He pushed me to the limit in every practice and made me believe in myself. He always helped me improve in my skills and bring out my A game in every single match.

The first time I met him, I told him I wanted to play defender for Manchester United. Thinking that he would laugh or shake his head and say I was dreaming, he looked at me and told me that I was already halfway there. He believed in me and helped me believe in myself.

"Michael Berton called me," he began. "He saw a match of yours in tape. And was quite impressed. Said you had potential".

When the name Michael Berton left his mouth, I froze. Michael Berton was the coach for Manchester United football team. He trained one of the top football players in the UK. It had always been a dream of mine to have him as my coach, and right now it feels like a "pinch me" moment.

"Close your mouth, Jack," the Riggins called out. "Flies will get in."

Shaking my head, I closed my mouth. I was lost for words. I couldn't believe it.

"I know you are flipping at the moment." I nodded, dumb-founded. "But this is an important moment. This man has trained the elite of the elite. So if he picked, you're one lucky man."

"I'm still processing," I said.

"I know, and so am I," he flashed me a rare heart-warming smile. "Now, although this might sound stupid, don't let this pressure get into your head. Do your best, as always, and make yourself proud."

Make yourself proud.

Riggnis would always say that to me before every match or any significant event. He would always say that in order to achieve something, you had to make yourself proud.

I think it's time to do so


I left the room and walk towards the school car park. Most of my teammates were still hanging around, chatting and laughing. One of them glanced at my direction and called me out.

"Hey! What did Cranky Riggins want?"

"Nothing important, the same old captain pep talk." I shook my head. Never in a million years will I ever tell them about Michael Berton; firstly because they're not my friends and secondly, well I'm no show off.

My teammate shrugged and tuned back into the conversation. I didn't know what they were talking about, and I had no interest in knowing, so I simply nodded and laughed whenever they laughed. Some might say I am quite the actor.

"Guys check it out," Andre cut us off signalling at a certain direction. "The Loner."

There she was, lighting up a cigarette as she paced a few meters away from us.

"Jesus man," one swooned. "I don't know about you all, but she is getting hotter and hotter by the minute."

I shook my head, but mentally, I couldn't deny the fact that Camilla was attractive.

The guys were looking at her as though she was a piece of meat. It's no secret that Camilla has slept with some guys in my team. However, one thing about her is that she never denies or admits the truth. She's ambiguous, something that always caught my attention. On the other hand, I know that almost all the guys lie or distort the truth. It's obvious that some of they haven't lost their virginities, I mean, the details don't add up.

"I saw her at Le Pub this summer," Andre said. "Let's just say she's fantastic with her mouth."

The guys snickered. I on the other hand, felt vile rising up my throat. Since when has it been okay to talk to women like that? Okay, fine, when I was younger, I didn't know any better; but living with a single mum and being with the same girl for three years and a half made you realise that it is not okay to talk about women as objects.

"Did you fuck her?" one guy asked.

"Hell yeah, she was so nice and tight," Andre boasted. "I rocked her world."

"Did you, Andre," Camilla called out with sarcasm as she took another drag. I never liked it when someone smoked. I mean, do they know what they're doing to their body?

"Absolutely," Andre smirked. "Don't you remember?"

"Guess it wasn't that memorable," Camilla shrugged. "I couldn't feel a thing."

The guys lost it. Every single one of them started howling with laughter. I chuckled as I saw Andre's cheeks go redder by the second.

Camilla's got some sharp tongue.

"She's just pissed that I didn't call her the next day," Andre muttered, acting as though Camilla didn't insult him.

Everybody continued teasing him as they walked towards their car. I managed to get away from the crowd and went straight to my car. As I got in, I checked my phone and saw several messages, mostly from my mum telling me that she was going to work all night. However, no sign from Ashley. I shook the awful feeling away, turned the engine on and drove out of the car park.

The music filled the car as I drove my way home and as I was drumming my fingers against the wheel, I couldn't help but recount the events that occurred today: first I have a stupid fight with my girlfriend, nearly ran over Camilla, tried to apologise to her, only to get insulted, and finally Michael Berton.

Let's just say it was quite an eventful day.


Hello my fine Specimens!

Sorry for being a bit MIA, I've been busy with work and university, I can't get a break!!

I haven't been feeling myself these past few weeks, and it has taken a toll on me.

I can't say that my updates are going to be as constant as before, HOWEVER, I will try my best.

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I love you all❤️

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