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I ignored Ashley's call for the second time as I drove my way to her house.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck," I murmured as I passed a truck driver and the green light.

In case you didnt know, yeah, I'm screwed. Why? Because I'm late to pick my girlfriend up for the first day and knowing her, she is going to act like a brat throughout the whole drive. She'll say something like, we are popular amongst the students ... blah blah blah ... being popular doesnt mean lateness ...

The driver beeped on my right as I passed him. Flicking him off, I pressed my foot onto the accelerator even harder.

In less that five minutes or so, I parked my car in front of Ashley's house. I saw her get up from the front porch steps and march towards my car. Opening it, she got in silently, lips pursed, smoothing her hair and plaid skirt.

"Morning," I chirped, leaning over to kiss her. The key was to downplay, act like nothing had happened. But all she did was flick her hair in my direction, dodging me and crossed her arms with a huff as she looked outside

Crap. The silent treatment.

This was bad. Very bad.

Turning the engine on with a shrug, I started driving to school.

As I made my way, with the school building just around the corner, I looked back at her. She was on her phone, texting her cheerleader friends.

"Babe," I sighed. "I'm sorry I was late-"

"Just drive," she ordered as she switched her phone off with a click.

Snapping my mouth shut, I gripped the steering wheel harder as I drove.

Just breathe Jack... you're already making your way to the parking lot...just park wherever...

To avoid the silence, I turned the radio on, The Killers music filled the car. However, as soon as I began to hum the tune, Ashley immediately reached over and turned the radio off.

"Headache," she muttered.

"But I want to listen the music," I said.

"Well I want you to be on time, but I guess we dont always get what we want," she spat back.

Okay Jack, deep breaths...

I tried again: "Okay babe, I know you're mad-"

"Oh, I'm not mad!" She let out a humourless laugh.

"Clearly you are.." I mumbled.

"What did you just say?" She snapped her head towards where I was sitting

"I said clearly you are." I was fucking done with her. "Yeah, I was late, so what? It's only the first fucking day back to school! It's not like we're late to a funeral..."

"Exactly! It's the first fucking day! We need to give a good impression," she spoke slowly as if I was mentally retarded.

Just breathe Jake...we're almost there...just shut up and park in the space in front of you...

"Like, don't you realise what a bad impression we are giving? Seriously Jack!When on earth does the Cheerleader and the Jock arrive late on the first day back?"

"When on earth does the Cheerleader act like a stupid brat?" I snapped back.

Oh shit.

Oh no.

"What did you just call me?" She hissed, eyes nearly out of their sockets.

"Babe, I'm sorr-"

"Sorry my ass!" She screamed.

I jumped at the scream, jerking the stirring wheel to the left, barely avoiding a pedestrian. I maneuvered my way around the person, to avoid running them over and directly parked in the space that was right in front of me.

Panting, I slowly released my grip from the steering wheel and ran my hands through my hair. Without any hesitation, Ashley took off her seat belt, opened the door and belted out of my car.

"Ashley, please!" I called after her as I got out of the driver's seat.

"Fuck off!" She flicked me off as she made her way to the entrance.

I noticed that all eyes were on us. Great. The Jock and the Cheerleader were already arguing on the first day back.

I adjusted my bag as I looked around the parking area, scanning the place in search of my friends. Well, my teammates. We basically have nothing in common, except the fact that we're all dating the cheerleaders. It took me less than a second to identify them, so I began to make my way over.

Once I got there, I was ready for what they were going to say.

"You guys fighting again?" One of them asked first.

"Dude, what the hell happened?" Another asked.

"You nearly ran over the Loner!" The other pointed out.

Wait what?

That was the Loner?

I quickly turned my head to watch her walk up to the building, like the rest of the students.

I noticed that she had her signature leather jacket on, alongside a dark floral dress and her black military boots.

I watched her scan the board for the sixth form. However that was cut short when one of the teammates asked me another question about the fight I had with Ashley this morning.

"I dont want to talk about it," I said, making them immediately change the subject.

As they began to ramble about their summer, I couldn't help but wonder how I behaved in the car. I shouldn't have talked to Ashley that way; and I needed to apologise to Camilla.


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