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I'm Head of the Student Council.

Captain of the Cheerleader Team.

On my way to become the Valedictorian.

I need to give a good impression.

I need to be perfect.

However, my stupid boyfriend thinks otherwise.

After the ride, I went straight to the entrance where all my cheer team were waiting.

"You do realise that your boyfriend nearly ran over the Loner right?" One of them said.

"The least of my problems right now," I shrugged as I reached towards them. I looked to my left and saw the sixth form board. "You guys checked your tutors?"

"Yeah, we are all in the same tutor group except for you," another cheerleader told me. "At least you're with Jack."

At least you're with Jack ... As if that's going to make me feel better.

Okay, before you all attack me...

I love Jack. I really do. But right now, we have been arguing way too much. Way more than what we normally do. The time between our fights and our apologies are longer and, I feel like right now, we're in this just for popularity.

I feigned a smile as the rest of the cheerleaders began to talk about their summer. I wasn't even paying attention, instead, my eyes were focused on the Loner, who was walking up the stairs. I watched her reach the board and scan the classroom she was assigned to. She obviously didn't like her tutor group as I heard her groan out loud with frustration.

"God, what is her problem?" One of the girls whispered as the rest hummed in agreement.

The bell rang, causing the groups to break and move along the corridors. I sort of detached from my group as I walked towards the class I was assigned to. Once I reached it, I walked in and headed towards the very back of the classroom, where there was a free seat next to some guy with glasses, that was fiddling with a pencil. A few seconds later, Jack walked in. He scanned the room, trying to find me. Once our eyes met, I broke eye contact and shuffled uncomfortably in my seat as I heard him sigh.

I knew what was going to happen next. He would do the walk of shame to the seat right next to me, and occasionally throw a few glances in my direction.

I kept waiting and waiting for him to do that. However, I didn't hear him walk up to the seat. I looked up and saw him...walk to other end of the class? WHY was he sitting next to the Loner?

Since when did he and the Loner become friends?

I kept staring at the both of them, but somehow, I actually felt relieved in a way. One, because I wouldn't be having Jack pester me throughout the whole morning. And two, because I saw that the Loner was obviously not enjoying his company.

Guess that's a win-win situation.

For me, at least.

My thought process was interrupted by a tall, shabby-looking teacher. He looked young. Well, not "20 year old" young, but he looked as though he took care of himself. How old was he? 40? 45?

"Good morning class!" He chirped.

He placed his bag onto the floor, right next to his desk, and placed his coffee on his desk.

I heard the girls seated in from of me whisper and giggle between them, talking about how hot he was. Geez, calm down!

"Thank you ladies, I appreciate your compliments," he chuckled. "But sadly, I'm married."

I looked down to avoid my smile from being shown, as the girls in front of me let out a loud groan.

I slowly looked to my right, catching a glimpse of Jack and The Loner. Are they talking? Laughing?

No, they're silent, both of them looking painfully awkward. Serves him right.

"Well," the teacher clapped his hands, gaining my attention. "This is your last year as a Sixth Form! Are you guys nervous to start?"

I closed my eyes as I exhaled, thinking about all the things I needed to complete my last year at this school.

I had everything I needed. I was the cheer captain. Head of Student Council, and on my way to become a valedictorian.

But somehow...that didn't feel enough.


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I love you all and stay safe

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