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Walking down the hall for the millionth time, I still had that weird feeling that people were judging my every move. Although I'm considered a nobody, a wallflower, I still couldn't help but feel that way.

I glanced around the corridor, observing everybody else as I made my way to my locker. I watched how some of my classmates joined their small groups in order to boast about their summer went down, moving their hands whenever the story was getting exciting. We all knew that the details were exaggerated or even blown out of proportion, but we knew that disagreeing would be the worst possible move.

Once I finally reached my locker, I began to organise my textbooks from smallest to biggest, when Ryan strolled to where I was standing. We both said our "hellos" and "it's good to see Yous", even though we saw each other a few days ago, and went straight to the gossip.

"Have you heard about what happened this morning?" I asked me as I placed my final textbook into her locker. "Jack nearly ran over the Loner in the school's parking area!"

Ryan nodded as he told her that I knew. "I have even better gossip," he smirked. Of course, Ryan always told the best gossip. "They didn't sit together in this morning's registration." I gasped at the news.

"The Cheerleader sat next to me, and the Jock sat next to the Loner."

I looked at him with disbelief. I mean sure, Jack and Ashley were constantly fighting, from the smallest things, to the biggest things, something we all decided to normalise as the years went on. However, the fact that they chose to not sit together, that was the part that stood out to me the most.

I closed her locker, grabbed my bag, and began to walk to the next lesson that we shared. I'm sure Ryan has already told you, but we've known each other since the age of five, so I guess you've might've guessed that we do everything together. I've told him my deepest secrets vice versa ... well not all my deepest secrets. Sometimes it gets a little tiring that people assume that we are a couple, just because we are attached to the hip and we are from the opposite sex, doesn't mean that we have to be couple.

As we made our way to our next lesson, I couldn't help but think that during this year might be different. Maybe something will happen. Something that might change our lives. Well, not a complete one-eighty, but maybe...

"I don't know why," I began. "But I feel as though this year will be different."

"For you?"

"For us," I corrected Ryan, causing him to shoot me a weird look. "I mean, we are on our last year of sixth form, and we've got our university applications right around the corner. People will change groups, new groups will be formed, and the people will friend people that are the least likely to become friends. Once we graduate, we will be very likely to lose contact with others, though I'm not complaining, but still, I feel like I'm not ready to leave this place."

He remained silent until we reached our lesson. Once we walked in, we made our way to the back of the class, making it easier for us to pass each other notes. You may think that the Nerd and the Virgin might sit at the front of the class, in silent as we listen to the teacher and make notes. Absolutely not. We are just like the rest of our classmates, we do finish our work at the last minute, we forget to bring it to class and we try to make the best excuse as to why we didn't bring our homework to the lesson. The only difference is, we don't say it out loud like the rest.

You might have guessed that I was the Virgin of the story. The purest thing, the Madonna. I was raised in a household where Jesus was our leader, our saving grace...our everything. Basically, my parents believe that loving Jesus and being a hardcore "I go to church every Sunday" Christian is a personality trait.

I mean don't get me wrong, I do believe in the Holy Spirit of God, I do believe in loving God with all my heart as well as loving my neighbour; and although I do love myself, I still haven't found the ability to forgive myself for the biggest mistake I've ever made. Maybe I never will...

"Lilly" Ryan snapped his fingers in front of me as he whispered. "The lesson is about to start, get your shit out!".

I shook those thoughts away as I pulled out my notebook and my pencil case. Once the teacher began the "welcome back" speech, I couldn't help but wonder. What if I told someone? What if there was another solution? I shook my head and looked down at the first blank page of my notebook and began to doodle. I tried to think about something else, something positive. However, the only question that burned at the back of my mind was: "How could you?" 


Hello my Fine Specimens!!!

I know it's been a WHILE since I've posted a chapter... eheheheh

I'm going to be honest with you, it's been a tough period for me mentally. I lost the motivation to do what I love, writing being one of them. I haven't even posted The Greek God in amazon!!!

Enough about the self-pity. All I'm going to say is thank you. Thank you so much for all the love, support and PATIENCE. Thank you for not giving up on me, even when I was at my worst. I know I have been MIA this year and a half, but I just wanted to say is that I am back better than ever.

I promise I won't abandon you guys. Over the last couple of months, I've been writing drafts, scenes and random chapters that are going to appear in both Stormy Eyes and Polyphia. So, let's just say that this book has A LOT of drama coming...

Are you guys ready?

Thank you for leaving the most amazing comments in my stories, my profile and chats.

I love you all and PLEASE STAY SAFE ❤️

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