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Okay, what the fuck?

Of all the seats that are available in this classroom, why the hell is Jack Reynolds sitting next to me? I mean seriously! Is he blind? Well ... he was fucking blind earlier in the parking lot when he was driving, why the sudden change?

Anyway, I don't have the energy to care...

I looked at where Ashley was sitting, expecting her to send me a cold stare or shoot daggers or something. But instead she felt...relieved? No, she's got her brow furrowed and her lips pursed...maybe she's constipated?

But I could've sworn she looked relieved. Was it the fact that Jack wasnt sitting next to her?

I mean, I'm no relationship expert, but I know that this couple are just in it for the status that they've received throughout the years. It's pretty sad.


I tried to ignore Jack's presence next to me, as my gaze burned at the very front of the classroom. I could feel him sending glances towards my direction and open his mouth, as though he wanted to say something to me, but somehow, he refrained himself from doing so. Maybe he's scared that Ashley might cut his balls off if he spoke to anyone of the opposite sex other than her.

My thoughts were interrupted when a teacher walked into the class. Obviously, he didnt give an actual fuck about his appearance as he wore a shabby looking jumper with holes in the them. He placed his coffee onto the table, and rubbing his hands together, he turned around to face us.
Some group of girls wouldnt stop gushing about how hot the teacher was. Jesus Christ, he's probably 40!

"Thank you ladies, I appreciateyour compliments," he laughed as he raised his right hand. "But, I'm married."

I prevented myself from laughing ar those girls. I mean, its pretty funny to see them get humiliated for checking the teacher when he is right in front of them.

The teacher pulled out a piece of paper from his back pocket, unfolded it and began to call out the students' names.

Once that was over, he threw the piece of paper onto the table as he paced back and forth, between each rows, as though he was scanning each and every student in the room.

"Welcome back everyone to your last year of high school," he moved around with such grace that it was quite clear he has given out this speech before. "Some of you seem very excited to be back; new pencils, new notebooks..."

He looked down at the nerd that was sitting right next to Ashley, clearly reinforcing the stereotype of being a nerd equals buying everything from the paper shops.

"Some of you just want to get this year over, graduate, and get the hell out of here!"

Clearly, I'm one of those people.

"Well, it doesnt matter if you're either one of those types of people," he continued his speech as he continued to pace to the very front of the classroom, where he sat on top of his desk. "However, we all have one thing in common: we somehow want to make a difference. It doesnt have to be a huge one. In fact, it can be a small subtle change that no one will notice, but somehow, it will change your life. Okay, that may be an exaggeration, but it will make you view things differently."

"I want you all to think about one thing that you want to change. It could be something you want to change right now, or something that will be a slow process."

Does me wanting to change my seat count as a change?


Just me?

"This is your last year. This is your chance to prove everyone what you are made of, and what you are capable of."

I didnt know who this man is, but the fact that he managed to finish his speech just in time for the bell to ring, astonished me.

No teacher, and I mean no teacher, has managed to finish the lesson on time.

I guess all the teachers decided to stick with the "the bell doesn't dismiss you, I do" mantra, except for this one.

As the bell rang everyone sprang up from their seats and huddled back to their groups as they walked out of the class. Ashley left without even stopping to wait for Jack. However, he didnt even think of running towards her. As I got up to leave the classroom, the teacher called out my name.

"So you are the infamous Camilla Parker," he smiled at me as he leaned back into his seat. "You are quite the talk in the teacher's lounge."

"I guess," I shuffled my feet awkwardly.

"You know, they do say you always have something to say, even if it goes against the teachers."

"I cant help it if I have an opinion," I stood firmly on my ground. "And I also cant help correct them if they may have some facts wrong about certain topics."

"Oh trust me I know!" He laughed.
"Are you taking sociology for your final year?"

I nodded, causing him to flash me a warm smile. "Well I would like to hear some of your opinions in my lessons then."

He dismissed me, as the second bell rang. When I walked out of his classroom, I began to search through my worn put bag the timetable that was given to me during the summer. I guess I didnt actually see where I was going when I bumped into someone, knocking the timetable off my hands.

"Prick," I muttered as I bent down to get the timetable. However the other person was obviously quicker than me as he or she grabbed it right before it touched the floor. Looking up, I abstained myself from groaning out loud.

What the hell is he still doing here? As if sitting next to me during registration wasnt enough!

"You're Camilla right?" He asked as he handed me the timetable.

"Yes, and?" I snatched it away from him. Rude, I know. However, if you were in my position, you would sort of understand why I decided to give him the attitude.

He didnt say anything, he was simply staring at me, scanning my outfit...wait, was he checking me out?

Did he even know what it meant to be in a relationship?

What a fucking pig!

"You done checking me out?" I cocked my head to the side. "Cause I've got other places to be."

That place being the back of the school to have a smoke.

Instead of reacting like a normal person and responding my question, he continued to check me out. This time, I didnt even abstain myself from rolling my eyes as walked past him. Thinking I've finally got rid of him I continued to make my way out the building, however, Jack had other plans.

"I'm sorry for nearly running you over." I paused, slowly turning around to face him. "This morning I was driving and I-"

"Yeah yeah you didnt see me," I cut him off, waving my hand in a careless manner. "You were too busy arguing with your precious girlfriend, you couldnt even see the road."

"Look, why cant you just accept my apology?" He sighed. "It was obviously an accident."

"I know it was an accident, I know you didnt mean to nearly hit me with your car," I rolled my eyes at him. "I'm just surprised that they decided to let you pass your driving test, that's all."

I didnt even bother to hear what he had left to say. Instead, I turned around and walked out of the building, making way to the back of the school. As soon as I got there, I saw some guy leaving my spot. Boy did he smell like weed.

Watching him walk away, I couldnt really identify who he was, as he was as he was wearing his hoodie. Shrugging, I leaned against the wall, pull out the pack of cigarettes from the largest pocket of my coat. It wasnt until I lit the cigarette up when I realised who the guy was.

Elijah McIntyre, the Junkie.

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