CHAPTER 16 *unedited*

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Apologies for the errors

"Naah your takin the piss" I yelled, lazily slapping Trevon back, as he lightly jogged to the other end of the living room.After letting off a dirty fart, that had me gagging which he clearly loved the sight of . His immaturity was of the age of a 12 year old boy and it really did baffle me how someone his age behaved like this.

Annoyed was an understatement. But what could I do, as it was this fool  was babysitting Isaiah for me this evening. As I got ready to meet Riah and Naomi for my early birthday surprise. Not sure where exactly it was, The only instruction Riah gave me was to dress sexy 😩😭. Riah was useless like that and really did make sure I was kept in the dark about it. Whilst my good sis Naomi help me find an outfit for this anonymous birthday surprise.

"Do that again and see if I won't burn you with my curlers" I stated  , as I glared at Trevon filthily which he responded with a middle finger.

"Please, ooh have my son in bed by 9 and feed him properly I beg" I stated in my african accent, as I pulled onto my left ear mimicking just the way my mum used to lecture me and my brothers.

" must you always act fresh Dami. I'm a professional at this, Yur forgetting hes my G" he chuckled, which I joined him as he comfortably put his foot up and snuggled onto the blanket I gave him. Guys you'd think it was that easy for me to get him to babysit Isaiah, I cooked, begged, threw tantrum. I did a lot. He always made things very difficult for me.

"Well I'm Nigerian aint i? " I stated, before I took myself to my bedroom to get ready. I had 60 consecutive minutes, to my name, before the girls made their way here to pick me up. Naomi and Riah were taking me out for my birthday.😭 and I would be lying if I said I wasn't a tiny bit nervous, considering they weren't even trying to tell me where exactly they were going to drag me to. The only instructions they gave me was to wear what they had brought for me, which was a cute black two piece. They knew me so well, it wasn't too revealing and too sparkly it was just the right balance.

"Happy birthday Dee, have a lovely day 💕. Remember next week, me & Isaiah are taking you out" - Dwayne

I would be lying if I said I wasn't excited for next week. I've just been getting spoiled all day, just waiting on Trevon's gift. All I've gotten from him has been headache & stress.


Dwayne POV

"I can never forget this girls birthday" Tion chuckled as he rolled himself his zoot, leaning back in his chair.

"You can't forget a date like that" I stated honestly as, I rubbed my beard thinking. Today was the 30th and I only had a couple of hours to find her a gift and place to eat.

"So what's the plan for tomorrow then?" Tion asked curiously, as he licked the paper to seal his weed and protect it from spilling.

"I was thinking of taking her to hakassan, we can manage with Isaiah." I suggested.

"Your youtes a menace, he'll be running all over the place." Tion chuckled. he was right. Isaiah was just bad, all he did was run everywhere and could never stay still.

"I was thinking we could go drive up to Brum and go to that drive thru safari place." I suggested. Dami loves animals and I thought it would be an amazing experience for all of us.

"That sounds good you know. Especially , when you have that Trevon guy in the picture you have to put in overtime" Tion cackled to himself.

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