Chapter 1 (Picture of Ellie)

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A/N This is my first story on Wattpad, so it might not be any good, either way I hope you like it! Throughout this story I've decided to dedicate my chapters to my favourite writers on Wattpad, and who have inspired me to try writing my own story. So, I dedicated my first chapter to kirsty1000 as she's one of my favourite writers on Wattpad! I've read all of her stories and she's an amazing author! Some have even been published, if you're interested in checking them out? :)

Chapter 1

"Ellie, are you up yet?! You're going to be late again!"

It's a well-known fact that I am definitely not a morning person - in any shape or form; so being woken up by your mother screeching at you isn't exactly the nicest of wake up calls. Glancing at the clock, it read 7:51am.

Well that's just great - I'm supposed to leave the house at eight o'clock in the morning. Leaving at that time was the only way I'm able to get to school on time. I wasn't exactly the fastest walker, so I would definitely be late for school now. Normally I make my way over to my best friend, Chelsea's, house on time and then we walk to school. The walk is horrible. On average it takes about half an hour or so. Most days are freezing cold day; it's not exactly something to look forward to.

I suppose I should look on the bright side, at least the walk would be productive in providing me with a much needed wakeup call.

"Are you listening to me? You had better be up!" my mother oh so kindly reminded me.

Wincing, I tentatively raised my hands to my temples, rubbing in circular motions. Despite my efforts my head was still pounded as she continued to shout.

"Yes mum, I'm up" I groggily replied, attempting to sound as awake as possible - not an easy task when you're still mentally asleep. The way that she tutted' and tsked' in response told me that my act wasn't convincing enough. No surprise there, I couldn't act, amongst many of my other non-talents.

Jumping out of bed, I was instantly hit by cold air, giving me horrid goose bumps. For a moment I seriously contemplated jumping back in and going straight back to sleep, but I knew I couldn't do that; unfortunately.

After heaving a frustrated groan, I stumbled around my room, fumbling for my school uniform, which I quickly threw on without a care. Quite a difficult task when I was half asleep. But I couldn't really afford to waste time by doing it slowly.

Considering I attended a completely average secondary school in England, Grange High, the uniform consisted of a black blazer - ugly, I know - a black skirt or trousers. Personally, I preferred to wear a skirt considering the blazer and tie - we also had to wear an ugly tie with our school emblem on it - already made me strongly resemble a man! As well as that we had to wear a simple white shirt and plain black shoes: very conservative. And no, just so you know, my skirt definitely isn't slutty. That is not my style; at all! Besides I always wore black tights as well, you couldn't even see my legs anyway.

It does however make me wish that I lived in America, where you could just wear your own clothes to school. That was very rare, almost unheard of in England. It would be a blessing that's for sure.

My school is very strict about which clothes we are and aren't allowed to wear. They even have a list of things deemed acceptable and unacceptable. It's not even a posh school!

Almost tripping up in my haste to get dressed I grabbed my hairbrush and quickly ran it threw my hair, decideing to leave it down. I never really bothered with it to be honest, it was long and brown - slightly wavy or some called it curly depending on whether it was a good or bad day. So pretty average really. Average kind of summed me up to be honest.

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