Chapter 10

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This chapter is dedicated to ‘Misguided’, another one of my favourite wattpad authors, who has written ‘Sink Into Me’ as well as the sequel ‘Bloodstained Love Bite’.

Chapter 10


 “No, really, thank you,” I emphasised, making sure I conveyed just how grateful I was.

I knew he understood. He gave a brief nod of recognition.

A comfortable silence rose, and I’m not sure why I did it, or if I would regret it later, but I did it anyway.

“Do you want to come in for a bit?” I asked, biting my lip in contemplation; should I really be asking this?

His face lit up for a second, before it became sceptical.

“Yeah, sure,” he replied.

I opened the door and stepped aside letting him in. He did just that, and I followed making sure Cody was inside before I closed the door behind me.

Did I just make a big mistake?

I had shown Jake into the lounge and went to get us a few drinks from the kitchen. After all, I was an impeccable host, I thought sarcastically.

Just as I was in the process of making tea for Jake and me a cup of tea – I know, not exactly the type of drink you’d imagine him drinking – the phone rang out in a shrill unexpected noise, making me almost drop the kettle. I quickly placed the kettle on the counter and raced to the phone.

“Hello,” I answered fairly cheerfully.

“Ellie, is that you?” my mother’s recognisable voice asked.

“Yes, it is,” I replied in the same cheerful tone.

"I'm not going to be home for a while, I need to pop into Sainsbury's quickly," she stated.

"Oh, okay. Do you want me to start dinner?" I questioned.

“If you could, that would be great – thank-you!” she gushed gratefully.

“Sure thing,” I agreed.

My easy acceptance of having to make dinner must have made my mother suspicious – because instead of remaining grateful, she quickly became suspicious.

“Why are you so cheerful? – what are you up to?” my mother demanded down the phone.

Even though I knew I shouldn’t, I couldn’t help but laugh at her accusatory tone. Couldn’t I just be in a good mood! Clearly not because when I voiced this opinion my mother simply scoffed, and continued to rant about mothers intuition and how she was never wrong.

After approximately 10 minutes of her ranting, I had already finished making the tea. As well as that, I had also started on our dinner. I was just making a pasta bake – nice and easy. It could also be heated up quickly, which was convenient as I didn’t know when everybody would be home. I didn’t know how my mum did that –every single day making dinner – catering to a whole family, with different schedules.

“Okay mum, I need to go now if I’m going to start dinner,” I hinted.

Why did mothers insist on talking on the phone for so long?

“Oh yes, you get on with that then, and I’ll see you later,” she babbled on.

“Bye,” I breathed in relief.

Finally, I thought as I put the phone back on the stand. Just as I was turning around I bumped into Jake. Crap! I had completely forgotten he was here! Clearly I wasn’t a very good host after all.

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