Chapter 8

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This chapter is dedicated to bnj2011, who wrote another one of my favourite stories on Wattpad - 'Forgive & Forget', and I'm also excited to see what happens in the sequel 'Forgive & Forget || - Fearless'.

Chapter 8


"What was that?" Jake asked in a calm tone.

So I guess he would talk to me.

I hesitantly looked up to meet his gaze.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

He scoffed, "I mean it's pathetic really. Do you really want my attention that much?" he asked.

"Ummm..." I started. I wasn't exactly sure what he was accusing me of but I sure as heck didn't like the sound of it.

"Really you're kind of pathetic. I mean all you had to do was ask. You really didn't need to jump on the first guy you saw just to get my attention." He laughed, but it didn't sound humorous.

What?! - did he just say what I think he said? So many responses were right on the tip of my tongue. After all, I wasn't the some who was with some skank behind the bike shed. I mean the bike shed, really? If anyone's pathetic it's him, with his arrogant attitude and bad manners.

However I wasn't going to have an argument with him in my science lesson. Instead I gave him the coldest glare I could muster up and looked back to my sheet of paper to continue with my doodling.

I didn't speak to him for the rest of the lesson, not that he attempted to talk to me. He was just as annoyed with me, for reasons that were beyond me. As soon as the bell rang I was up and out of that seat as quick as I could.

Both Jake and I turned up to the art block after school. However instead of joking and messing around, we both worked in silence. It was anything but comfortable; there was a thick tension in the air which we both chose to ignore.

After an hour we both finished up and left in silence. I started the walk home, while he got into his car and drove off.

I guess we were both as stubborn as each other.


A week had passed without event. I had got up and gone to school: repeat. It could be said that my life was boring, but in my eyes boring was good. Boring was stable, secure and predictable.

Okay, so boring was just that - boring.

Although I had kept my word to Miss Daniels and stayed after school to help Jake, we never talked. The same could be said for our science lessons, we both simply got on with our own work. It was probably doing my grades the world of good.

At first we were both truly angry at each other, but now it was a more of a competition. We were both extremely stubborn, a trait that I didn't even know I possessed.

But just the mere thought of caving in and talking to Jake first was enough to make my skin crawl it was that repulsive to me; there was simply no way that it would happen. And I'm fairly sure that Jake felt the same way.

All of this had led us to our no talking stage. At first it had been tense and awkward, however as we both had calmed down, it had simply become quiet. Almost like those two best friends; who didn't even feel the need to talk when in one another's company. Yet our silence wasn't of out of contempt.

I felt that if I spoke first, then he would have won. I'm not quite sure what he would be winning - but all the same he would have won. This being a notion that I wasn't particularly fond of.

As well as that, the longer we dragged on our silence the bigger of a deal we made our argument; even though it hadn't been a particularly unforgiving argument. Meaning that if I did say something to him, which I wouldn't, it would be a huge deal, considering we hadn't spoken for a week already.

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