Chapter 2 (Picture of Jake)

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A/N I dedicated this chapter to fictionfanatic, becasue "Beautiful Scars" is one of my favourite stories and she's a really good writer! 

Chapter 2


As we walked up the stairs I couldn’t help but say, “This is your fault!”

“What, no it isn’t,” Chelsea replied. She obviously didn’t understand that it was entirely her fault. I scoffed in response.

“Well good luck with sneaking in,” I teased, laughing. Her science teacher was very strict. I shuddered; thank goodness he isn’t my teacher.

“Ugh. Thanks, I’m going to need it!” she replied. And with that we split up and headed to our separate rooms. I just needed to slide in unnoticed. Pshh, yeah good luck with that…

I discretely slid into my science classroom, luckily my teacher always left the door open. Not being in the top set meant that I had a lot of, how to put this, slackers or whatever you would like to call them in my class. So to be honest late arrivals weren’t exactly uncommon. Once one kid actually arrived ten minutes before the end of the lesson, which was hilarious!

Just as making my way to my desk, Mr Burk called out “Ellie, why are you late?” Dammit. I was so close! My seat was literally right in front of the door! He hadn’t even done the register yet!

“Sorry. Um, no reason really…just late” I hate that question. I mean what does he expect a whole essay on why I was running late? I’m sure he didn’t even care!

“Hmmm, alright, just get down the objectives from the board.” He replied.

To be honest I didn’t really mind this teacher. He normally let me get away with stuff. Not to sound like a teacher’s pet, but I was probably one of his favourite students in this class. For the simple reason that most of the people in the class didn’t even know what they were doing, and frankly didn’t care whether they failed or not. And considering I definitely did care, I was okay in his book.

“Tsk, tsk...and why were you late?” At this voice I turned around to be faced by none other than one of my best friends, Kate. She trying to give me a stern look, but was failing miserably and was clearly trying to hold back laughter.

Kate was really short, even shorter than me! She had dark blonde hair, with big blue eyes along with a really pale complexion – so was the complete opposite of Chelsea.

I quickly made my way over to my desk, sat down on my stool and turned around to Kate’s desk, which was conveniently place right behind mine.

“I am terribly sorry. My late arrival was utterly unacceptable and shan’t happen again.” I tried to give her my best innocent look. However considering we were both terrible actors, it was only a few seconds before we burst into laughter.

Unfortunately Mr Burk thought we should actually learn something today, because after fifteen minutes of the usual starter lesson chatter, he asked “So have you got down those objectives yet?”

To which most of the students replied that they hadn’t. I mean come on, what is the point in writing what you are planning to do in a lesson. Can’t we just get on with it?

After another few minutes of chatter he decided to start a lecture on something to do with mitosis and meiosis. I tried to pay close attention, but I have to say it was a difficult task. As I had previously mentioned, this class wasn’t exactly the most focused when it came to a half an hour lecture.

After an excruciatingly slow lecture, Mr Burk started handing out the work sheets, and like every lesson I asked him "Please can I go sit next to Kate, pleaseeee?"

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