Chapter 13

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This chapter is dedicated to Lydia161290, who wrote another one of my favourite stories, 'The Wolf Cave'. As well as that she's also currently writing the sequel, which is called 'The Wolf Ring'. Something which I am really excited about.




Chapter 13



"It's nothing. We should probably head off though, it's getting late." He suggested. The way that he was avoiding eye contact made me doubt that it was just 'nothing'. Nevertheless I decided to drop the subject; clearly he wasn't going to elaborate on what was going on any time soon.

"Yeah, you're right," I agreed, smiling slightly. It was probably quite clear that my smile was a little forced, but either way, neither of us commented on it.

We both walked in unison to Jakes car. It had become a routine that Jake would drop me home, and as usual, today he chivalrously complied with our little routine.

The drive home wasn't exactly what you would call awkward, but it was definitely quiet. Not at the stage of being uncomfortable, but not comfortable either.

"Thanks Jake," I muttered lowly as he pulled up outside my house.

"No problem," he replied smoothly.

Before we could prolong the conversation, I quickly hopped out the car, walking as quickly as possible to my front door. Just as I reached for the handle, I tilted my head back to Jakes car, only to see him staring intently back at me. Embarrassed with the eye contact, I snapped my head back and almost leapt through the door, slamming it shut behind me.

When I was around him, I would either feel like a bundle of nerves or I would feel completely at ease; two very contrasting emotions.


Unconsciously I felt a pair of eyes on me. Stirring, I shifted in my sleep, my eyelids fluttering open in a semi-conscious state.

There, towering over me was a dark figure. Rolling to the side, and pulling my head back, in an attempt to get a better view. My eyes were struggling to follow instruction, the bright lights almost blinding me.

I almost did a double take when I saw that it was Stephanie, standing over my bed like a creepy stalker. I briefly glanced iced to my alarm clock, groaning aloud when it read 6:00 am.

Momentarily I noticed that she was all dressed up in her black lacy nighty. Hands on hip, demanding my attention.

Peeking down at my matching bunny pyjama top an shorts set, I couldn't help but compare myself to her. I wasn't exactly sexy. At times I wished I could be more like Steph, but the truth is I not Steph - I'm Ellie.

In this family, I'm the smart one; Stephanie and Hannah are the good looking ones. Not that I didn't sometimes wish that I could be as beautiful as my sisters, I was happy being me. I was beginning to like myself. Having said that, there will always be moments of insecurity, unsurprisingly.

"What's up?" I muttered sleepily, trying to not make it too obvious that I was staring at her pjs, because I thought they were... unnecessary, to say the least.

"Look, I know you're into this kid from school, but you need to be careful -" she started almost therapeutically. Which was unsurprising, she had always been very caring and was always the first person to give me advice; the complete opposite as her reputation. I guess in some small way that's what prevented me from prejudging Jake. I've seen it first hand, and it's not fair.

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