Chapter 3

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I've dedicated this chapter to DarknessAndLight because she's an amazing writer! I loved 'I Sold Myself to the Devil for Vinyls... Pitiful I Know' - it's an amazing story, you should check it out!

Chapter 3


Jake got up and sauntered out of the class, without a word – not even waiting for class to be dismissed, still chuckling lowly.

I got up and put my books into my bag, still wondering what could have happened, when Helen and Kate popped up out of nowhere.

“Tell us everything!” they demanded in unison, which was kind of creepy. Did they rehearse that?

I sighed and walked out; with them both following close behind me. Great now I’m going to have to spend my whole break retelling my embarrassing experience, with the gorgeous boy that is Jake Daniels.

"OMG! You're so lucky!" Kate gushed.

It was now break and as promised I'd had to explain in intricate detail the happenings of today's science lesson with Jake.

They were impossible. 

Helen, Kate, Chelsea, Dan and I were all sat on the field at break.

I again tuned out Helen and Kate's excited chatter as they discussed debate all of this could mean.

Chelsea shot me a sympathetic glance - see this is why she is my best friend, we’re so alike.

"They're never going to give up you know?" Chelsea noted.

"I know, I know'" I replied. To be honest I was tired of talking about him; yes, he was undeniably gorgeous - but I still didn't even know him.

As if reading my thoughts Dan complained, "Well I'm sick of it already! They won't shut up about him!"

I definitely agreed. Although I still couldn't help but think back to our conversation. He seemed like a smooth talker. I wondered how he got kicked out of school. Did he steal a teacher’s car? Set fire to the building? – Or is that too dramatic? He seemed so cheerful! I couldn’t imagine him doing something to end up getting him expelled!

"Ellie!" Dan called.

"Sorry, what did you say?" I replied, still slightly dazed from my thoughts of Jake.

“Oooohh! She was too busy with her wild and lustful thoughts of Jake!” Helen teased.

Is this ever going to end! They all think I have this major crush on him – which I don’t by the way!

Dan shot Helen a glare, which she wholeheartedly ignored as she continued to giggle along with Kate. Making them sound like hyenas.

Hyenas; I had to laugh at that.

“I said we should go do something tonight! We never do!” Dan pouted. Did he really just pout?

Dan was the only boy in our group of friends. To be honest I thought that he might be gay. He only ever has girls as friends, and he is pretty feminine at times. I don’t know though because he never said anything, and I don’t want to just ask. How embarrassing would that be if I was wrong! And either way it didn’t really matter, I was just curious.

He was fairly lanky, with light blonde hair and he always wore his signature geek glasses. He was a really could friend, and I really trusted him.

"But it's a Monday? Who goes out on a Monday?" I questioned, slightly confused.

"Don't be so boring Ellie! Loads of people go out on Mondays!” Helen answered.

They did? Funny, I never knew that.

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