Chapter 6

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This chapter is dedicated to ScriptedLife, who's writing a really cute story called Be Your Everything - which you should check out.

Chapter 6 


I heard Jake get in the car beside me and start the engine. As he did this, a sudden thought hit me, “How can you drive? I thought you were sixteen?” I questioned.

Jake looked over to me suddenly on guard, “I’m eighteen.” He stated, not going into any further detail.

“Oh, right,” I replied.

Although I didn’t want to pry – I really wanted to know why he was still in school. However knowing it wasn’t my place, I kept quiet.

The rest of the car journey was quiet, but not awkward thankfully. I told him where I lived, and we arrived in all too quickly.

I thanked Jake and made my way inside.

I just knew that I wanted to get to know Jake better. He was so mysterious – and I knew there was more to him than meets the eye.

During the night I could barely sleep; my thoughts were consumed by Jake. I couldn't help but wonder in awe of that softer side, he had shown be so briefly today. Was that a one-time thing? – Or would he do back to his usual 'bad boy' self?

I couldn't help but wonder who the real Jake was. Although he had been pretty mean to me at one point, he was sorry and I kind of understood him in a sense. He was expected to be this ‘bad boy’, just like I was expected to be this 'good girl'.

With a groan I flipped over on my bed, this freaky obsession I had with Jake was getting out of hand.

But I couldn’t shake the sudden desire to befriend Jake. I felt incredibly close to him, and I had no idea why. I definitely wasn’t the type of girl to fall head over heels and suddenly start stalking a boy on Facebook; something which a surprisingly high number of girls participated in. In my eyes it’s slightly stalker-ish, but who am I to talk? – I had been obsessing over Jake for the past three hours.

I just knew that I needed to find out more about him. And even though I didn’t want to admit it – even to myself, I did have a little bit of a crush on him.

With a sigh I re adjusted my position in bed, refusing to allow any more thoughts of Jake to pass through my mind.

The next morning I surprised myself by waking up with plenty of time to get myself ready, something which I never have.

Considering I had actually woken up at an appropriate time, I decided to make more of an effort with my appearance. Although I didn’t go too far, simply taking slightly more care when applying the small layer of mascara and eye-liner. I had really boring brown-hazel eyes, and I couldn’t help but compare them to my sisters’. Stephanie had vibrant blue eyes, while Hannah had bright green eyes.

I shook my head from my jealous thoughts. We couldn’t all be beautiful; that’s just the way it is.

Another thing I did was to make sure I took care when brushing my hair, luckily I seemed to be having an okay-hair-day – otherwise I don’t know what I would do.

With a groan I threw my hair rush onto my bed; simply giving up with my appearance. How could I be acting like some giggling school girl already? - and over a guy I barely knew?

There was clearly something wrong with me, because the old me would never be acting like this.

I decided there and then that I was in dangerous water. If Jake could make me feel like this after a few days, then what hope did I have?

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