Chapter 5

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This chapter is dedicated to XxSkater2Girl16xX an amazing writer on Wattpad. My favourites of her stories being: A Proscriptive Relationship, A Surreptitious Relationship and Hidden in This School. So if you haven't read her stories - then I strongly suggest that you do!

Chapter 5


The lesson went by quickly with the girls and I playing badminton; a game which I actually thought was hilarious.

As the lesson was finishing I was more than excited to just go home. That was until I remembered that I would have to go to the art block after school with Jake.

Just as I came to this realisation, I heard somebody whisper in my ear, "Don't forget about our after school date," before they disappeared.

That somebody being Jake - of course.

I quickly made my way up to the changing rooms; unsure on why I was actually excited all of a sudden.


I made sure to dress back into my school uniform as quickly as possible. Not because I was excited - but because I didn't want to keep Miss Daniels waiting for me. As I made my way down the stairs I heard someone calling my name. I turned around to see Chelsea hurriedly following me down the stairs.

"Slow down Ellie," she joked, slightly out of breath.

I groaned, I had completely forgotten to tell Chelsea that I was staying behind after school. What kind of friend was I?

"Oh, Chels! I'm so sorry! I completely forgot to tell you. I have to stay behind after school to help Jake catch up with his art coursework," I quickly explained.

Chelsea suddenly wore a mischievous smirk on her face, "Oh! Well no problem. I'll just walk home alone," she stated - still smirking like a fool!

"What's that face for?" I questioned suspiciously.

"Nothing, nothing," Chelsea quickly dismissed, "Anyway I have to go - see you later!"

I stood there slightly dumfounded for a moment, as I watched Chelsea almost skip out of the PE block. Is it me, or are people around here becoming very weird?

Shaking myself out of this odd trance I was in, I started walking over to the art block. I can't believe I have to stay behind and help Jake - it would be me that gets chosen!

It wasn't that I hated the idea of having to help Jake out - in fact I couldn't help but feel quite excited to be able to actually spend some time with him. Oh dear god. What is happening to me?

As I got closer to the art block, my nerves were all over the place. How was I supposed to have a conversation with him? How was I supposed to be around him?

'I can't do this' I thought to myself. 'I can't do it'

'Yes you can' I told myself. 'Stop being pathetic and just do it. He's just a human being. Just a person - Nothing to be afraid of.'

With my new found confidence I entered the building and strode up to the door, and opened it with as much confidence as I could possibly muster.

However, much to my disappointment the room was empty. Empty?

Where was Jake? Or even Miss Daniels? Surely she would be here!

This is so typical, here's me rushing so that I wouldn't be late and nobody is even here.

I decided to make myself useful while I was here, so I grabbed my sketchbook, took a seat at my table and started working on a tonal drawing that I still hadn't completed. Without even realising it I had completely lost myself in my project.

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