Chapter 17 -- "A Warning From The Future."

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John and seraphina hurried to their respective classrooms, Seraphina entered her classroom with something that pressured her, But she couldn't get a finger on it.

As the teacher began lecturing things, John gazed at window too lazy to process the information he already knew.


At a certain rooftop, A dark blue haired boy with ruby red eyes sighed, "Their safe." The boy said on the walkie talkie, "Good, Don't let Black/John become joker again."

"Yes, Uncle." The boy said, "Good, The Travelion Company will be thriving when the rewind injection actually works, Well it is working, But there must be side effects so keep a close eye and let the same events happen."

"But! Be careful, We have enemies. So you better be careful, Okay? Be careful!" The man on the walkie talkie said sternly.

"Yeah Yeah alright." The boy rolled his eyes.


John sat on his couch, Time passed by fast, A knock on his front door made him look at the door instead of staring aimlessly at a wall, "Hm? I'm not expecting anyone and i doubt seraphina would come here she told me she had an important event to attend."

John walked over to the door and opened it, Only to see an old man wearing a suit with white gloves, "Uhm, Who are you sir?" John asked, "I am you dear." The old man said.

"Eh? What? Sir please don't play jokes." John said arching his eye brow.

"It's true, Your father is William H. Doe, Your best friend is Seraphina, And most of all, Your afraid of your past." The old man said as he chuckled.

"H-how do you know that sir?" John replied as he tensed up, "As i said, I am you." The old man smiled.

"Please, I don't like my future, Please..Become Joker again, i know, I know it's bad, But please do it for the sake of your future, Bad people, And i mean bad are spying on you, don't trust any of them even if they seem don't make the same mistake i did." The old man said, Tears trickled down his eyes.

John's eyes widened in confusion, "What?" John thought this was just a joke so he slammed the door close.

The old man faked a smile as tears dripped and dripped, he looked down at his feet The old man's body turned to ashes as the wind blew it away.

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