Heart to heart, or not

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Donghae stirs the ramen looking a little too unhappy with the turn of events, Eunhyuk did the same. For the longest minute in their lives together, silence was exchanged between them.

“I’m sorry”

Donghae muttered.  Eunhyuk looked at her and saw her gloomy face and his heart sank.

“what for?”

“last night, I caused such a commotion.”

Eunhyuk sighed and responded.

“It’s not an issue about you, but it’s a problem concerning Hangeng and Heechul, you were just caught in between the opposing rocks”

Donghae smiled and looked at Eunhyuk, He remembered that smile the day he left Mokpo, the same bittersweet smile Donghae gave him.

“can I tell you a secret?”

Eunhyuk was surprised but he nodded.

“you know, I really really like a boy from way back when. He’s really nice and clutzy. When he smiles, everyone can see his gums. He is not as strong as other guys and he is very sentimental but that’s what I love about him. He would never let me cry, instead, he’ll cry for me. He said that my tears are like diamonds and are too precious to be wasted on petty things. But when he left Mokpo, I shed tears for him. I realized that yes, my tears are too precious for petty things, but Hyukjae is more precious than anything.”

Donghae places her chopsticks down and wiped a lone tear from her face.

“such a lucky guy.. I envy him”

Eunhyuk muttered and Donghae was surprised.


“because he had captured a girl’s heart unknowingly.”

Donghae laughed and Eunhyuk recalls such a familiar act.

“he should be, I’ve cried for him more than anyone else.”

“where did he move to?”

Eunhyuk asked and Donghae replied.


“That’s it, why don’t you find him.”

“Seoul is a large city, How can I find him?”

Eunhyuk smiled his gummy smile.

“Use your talent.. I bet you have amazing skills.”

Donghae blushed and Eunhyuk missed those pink cheeks.

“do you really think I could find him?”

“well if he’s not dumb enough to recognize the talent in you..”

Donghae laughed and the atmosphere between them lightened a bit.

“you know… you remind me of Hyukjae.. it’s just that..”


Eunhyuk’s heart pounded, maybe Donghae recognizes him. His head was screaming: It’s me.. I’m here.. I never forgot about you.. I love you.. then and now.. I would protect you and keep those precious tears from falling..

“he’s cute.. and you’re handsome.. “

Donghae blushed as she laughs. Eunhyuk sulked at the failure of recognizing him as Hyukjae.

“really? Well I bet I’m hotter than him.. did you see me dance?”

Donghae nodded and Eunhyuk saw the glitters in her eyes, just as vibrant when they were picking up starfishes from the beach.

“I know you were great, but I bet Hyukjae can beat you!”

“in his face, no one can beat me!”

They laughed and Donghae felt at ease with Eunhyuk, at least the tension is now gone until trouble came.

“What are you doing with Oppa?”

Two girls who introduced themselves as Hyoyeon and Krystal asked Donghae.

“I’m just having lunch.. i didn’t know Eunhyuk oppa has some appointments, I’ll be leaving then.”

Donghae stood up and bowed low before leaving. Eunhyuk was about to do the same thing but the two blocked his way.

“oppa, we’ll treat you to lunch.”

“no thanks I’m already full”

Eunhyuk made his way out and tried to follow Donghae but gave the idea up as he saw Donghae walks away with Hangeng beside her. His heart sank and his eyes welled up. He wanted to say who he really was but Donghae never saw through him. A car parked before him and the windows rolled down revealing heechul wearing LV shades.

“get in”

She simply said and he got in the car. Donghae looked back at the restaurant and saw Eunhyuk enter a car. Hangeng noticed her and looked at the direction of her eyes and saw a car drove away.

“anything wrong?”

Donghae faked a smile and shook her head

A place in my heartحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن