To live or Die

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  As two souls walked away with heavy hearts and bitter steps, two pair of eyes shed tears as they watched the retreating backs of persons occupying a big place in their hearts. And what started out as a very joyous event, ended into a tragic one. Hand in hand, Donghae and her friends left the place with sad eyes.

Cars lined up to fetch the scholars but Donghae didn't want to go with them; she walked away from the group and on her own. Hangeng noticed her walking away and decided to follow her. He was right to do so for now, Donghae was walking near the highway without a care whether she'll get hit by a passing car or not. Hangeng walked a few feet behind her, cautiously watching her from afar, not wanting to cause anymore damage to the already complicated situation.

She walked straight ahead, not caring if she was bumped into or whatever. She heard no one yelling at her until she heard a familiar voice. She looked up and saw the person she longed for and a smile appeared from her face. She took a step forward, gaze never leaving the person she loved. All around Donghae were beeping cars and unending screams, she was surrounded with blinding lights, yet she can only hear one thing, Eunhyuk's voice calling her and she saw only one thing, Eunhyuk running towards her. Yet everything that follows was a blur, and she saw Eunhyuk fallen and still, and she screams her lover's name with pain and remorse, Eunhyuk was probably dead.


Eunhyuk carried a heavy heart as he walked away. How could Donghae hold Hangeng's hand like that? How could she betray him? how could she replace him that easily? And he walked away, each step was bitter and heavy, with each step, tears fell from his eyes. Tried as he might, he can never change the true him, the emotional Hyukjae who loved the simple girl from Mokpo. Call him jealous, call him selfish, but he wanted only one thing in this world, Lee Donghae. And as he walked alone in this two-way street, with no clear direction and just clouded thoughts, he regarded himself as some stupid useless guy and he never wanted to dance anymore.. he wanted to just give up and leave everything behind, for without Lee Donghae, his life would be nothing.

And so he found himself sitting on a bench waiting for the night bus to pick him up and tears fell like there is no end. He looked across the street to see a girl dressed in Yellow walk straight ahead and he saw the familiar Chinese face following her. He yelled her name and it was indeed Donghae. He saw her smile and she took a step to cross the busy street. Eunhyuk was afraid of that: the green light was on and yet she carelessly walked across the street. And as endless cars blow their horns and lights blinded him, he managed to push her out of harm's way and he took the blow, the impact of his body colliding on the car's bumper.

The impact was too great that his body was blown a few feet were he landed, fallen and still, his face covered with blood and his pulse weak and diminishing. He heard not another sound, not even the voice of his dearly beloved calling out for his name. he saw no light, just pitch black darkness and he felt no pain.. maybe it was indeed over.


With unchanging expression, Heechul boarded her car and sticks the key into the ignition.

"Heechul.." She heard a familiar voice and she smiled at the approaching young lad.

"Ah.. Hyukjae.. don't worry about me.." She smiled her practiced smile but Eunhyuk can see right through her. She stepped on the gas and drove away speedily. 

She knew that this will come eventually and she's been waiting for it. She did everything for a reason and she'll have the conclusion soon. She stepped on the gas as she drove around town in a ridiculous pace, she didn't care if she broke the law for the speed limit. And then it came, tears that she tried hard to conceal: Tears that she didn't want anyone to see. She cried as she steps on the gas and made a fast turn, she cared less if she hit the posts and die; she practically died the day Hangeng rejected her. Blurred vision, she saw nothing but the darkness ahead. She heard nothing but her own wails and she made another turn. There were screams and wails and she stepped on the breaks; it was so fast that she even hit her head on the steering wheel, and it hurs but she cared less.

She cried as she saw people gather a few feet from her car, she managed to smile as she felt her sore forehead.

"It'll be over.."

She muttered as she reached for her glove box and pulled out a hand gun. She stared at it for awhile, unsure on what to do next. She caressed the cold barrel and checked for the bullets, 6 shiny bullets neatly in place; she's all set. She pointed the barrel on her temple and as she cried, she slowly placed her index finger on the trigger and slowly pulling it. But she was distracted by the screams and when she looked at front, she saw a familiar face lying on the ground, it was Eunhyuk, fallen and still. She stepped out of the car, with the gun in one hand and she stammered with her words, calling the saeng who truly understood her and she walked unsteadily. People saw her and they moved away, afraid for their lives when she pulls the trigger and shoots somebody. She muttered his name as she cried, her finger still on the trigger.

One brave soul stopped her and he managed to take control of her. She struggled with the man, trying to get her gun and she continued to mutter his name. She saw no one but the fallen lad, she called his name over and over and at the end of the struggle, a gunshot was heard and everyone lay silent and still, a gunshot was fired...


Hangeng walked a few feet behind her, cautiously watching her from afar, not wanting to cause anymore damage to the already complicated situation. He followed the girl from Mokpo, wearing a yellow gown and walking carelessly in the street. He watched with his tired eyes and broken heart yet he cannot find in him the reason to hate her. He heard someone across the street yelled the name he dearly loved and he frowned as he saw the person he wanted to kill but couldn't. He saw Donghae took a step as the cars blow their horns. He made a run for it but he was already too late.

There he was a few meters away from the fallen saeng and the crying Donghae. It happened so fast and he reluctantly walked towards Donghae as he screamed for someone to call an ambulance. He turned to see the car that hit Eunhyuk and saw Heechul stepped out holding a gun. His instincts told him to protect Donghae, Heechul wanted to kill her. He ran towards Heechul as the crowd ran for their lives. He caught up with her and he tried to get the gun. She put on a struggle and they were both trying to get the gun. Heechul won't let go and Hangeng decided to protect Donghae at any cost, even sacrificing his own life. And the two of them struggled for the gun possession.

A gun Shot was heard and soon the ambulance arrived, carrying two blood stained bodies, almost lifeless and motionless..

There they all were, standing outside the operating room, each holding on to each other praying for their friends' lives to be spared. Two lifeless bodies laid side by side on the operating table and two spirits hover, watching as their bodies being operated by a battalion of medical staff.

"you deserve to live.. I'll be leaving.. Good Bye.."

One of the spirit muttered to the other and a cold wind blew through the operating room and they all heard a soft goodbye as the wind blew across them. Tears shed from their eyes as the doctor stepped out and announced that one of them had perished amidst the operation. They wept as the doctor shook his head and gave his condolences, he tried his best but it ended this way, one has to go for the other to survive.

A place in my heartOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora