Dance Practice

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“shall we start?” Eunhyuk bowed and held out his hand which Dognhae took. Donghae and Eunhyuk both placed their bags down and Eunhyuk escorted Donghae to the center of the dance floor.

“so how do we do this?” Donghae asked as she nervously looked at Eunhyuk.

“Relax Hae, It’ll be easy” Eunhyuk smiled and took her hand gently.

“you just follow me.. forward, side-close, back, side-close. You just form a square.” Eunhyuk stood beside Donghae and did the step. Slowly, Donghae followed him. Right foot stepping forward, left step to the side, right close step, right foot back then left step to the side then close. It was easy and soon Donghae found herself getting the hang of the steps. Eunhyuk smiled and held her hand. 

“and now we dance as a couple” Donghae pushed him away.

“We are not a couple!” Eunhyuk laughed and approached donghae.

“in standard dances, partners are called couples. You cannot dance waltz alone” And so Eunhyuk bowed and asked DOnghae for a dance, this time Donghae agreed.

“now with my lead, forward, side-close back , side close” With a nod, Eunhyuk led Donghae to dance the basic waltz in position.

“You see it’s not as difficult as you think it is.” Donghae smiled at him.

“well I guess so.. but then there’ll be turns and we are not going to stay in one position.” Donghae commented.

“you’re right.. but then we have to go or else we’ll get scolded.” Donghae gasped and hurriedly grab her bag and made a run for it, Eunhyuk stopped her.

“you don’t need to hurry so much..”

“I can’t let Heechul unni catch me again!”

“it’ll be ok. Trust me.”

And so the two walked back to the dorm and Hangeng welcomed them. Heechul was there and she was being a bitch once again but since Eunhyuk took all the responsibilities, she let it pass.


Donghae was getting busier each day as she prepares herself for the competition. Sooyoung got stricter as the days passed yet she still remained as a big sister for Donghae, encouraging her. 

“no, you cannot bother her now.” Donghae heard Sooyoung talk and when she looked at her, she was talking to Eunhyuk. She quickly cleaned herself and the room. Then she run to sooyoung and bid her goodbye.

“bye Stargazer.. I’ll be going thank you” She then dragged Eunhyuk out of the room and out of the building. 

“Stargazer?” Eunhyuk asked and Donghae smiled at him.

“I’m Lotus, she’s stargazer, Shindong’s Venus flytrap. We are Changmin sensei’s plants.”

“there’s such a thing?” Eunhyuk asked and Donghae nodded while she happily skipped to the dance studio. Eunhyuk followed closely. They entered the room and Donghae was very excited for another day of dance practice. She put down her bag and went to the center of the dance floor. Eunhyuk did the same.

“now let’s try moving around?” Eunhyuk led her as and started with the basic waltz and with counting, they started moving around and Eunhyuk held her hand tightly. They stopped and Donghae was breathless. 

“did you had a hard time?” Eunhyuk asked and Donghae nodded. “why not try tip toeing.. You see, tomorrow, we will be practicing with the rest of them.” Donghae pouted.  

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