Which Animal Are You?

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Shindong dragged Donghae to the mess hall since she was too slow for Shindong’s taste: his tummy is rumbling and he needs nourishment now! Luckily, when they reached the mess hall, the table was set and everyone was seated where they should be. Hangeng motioned for Donghae to seat beside her while Shindong took a seat next to Donghae.

“well.. we usually have a chef to cook our dinner but tonight, Ryeowook prepared this for us.” Hangeng smiled and thanked Ryeowook who blushed at the compliment. She was sitting in between Henry and Yesung.

They all eat in silence when Shindong exclaimed.  “wow… this is so good.. Ryeowook I think I love you!”  Ryeowook blushed harder and the two guys beside her glared at the Venus Fly trap.  “what? I love good food and Ryeowook cooks great food.. I think I’m in heaven.”  Shindong continued eating and smiled at Ryeowook.

“thank you oppa..” Ryeowook smiled and ate her dinner contented.

“aish.. how can you say that to Ryeowook.” Henry muttered under his breath.

Eunhyuk was sitting beside Heechul and was concentrating at looking at Donghae rather than eating his food, Ryeowook noticed him not eating and became emotional, Yesung noticed Ryeowook almost in  tears and yelled at Eunhyuk.

“aish.. can you be a little sensitive!” Eunhyuk looked back at Yesung who was mad at the dancer then to Ryeowook.

“oh.. sorry.. the food is delicious Ryeowook, it’s just that I’m not feeling well right now..” Eunhyuk made an alibi and this worried Ryeowook, it worried Donghae more; she can’t explain it but she feels she had this responsibility over Eunhyuk. Donghae immediately stood up and approached Eunhyuk, All eyes followed her.

“are you ok?! You look rather pale..” Donghae touched Eunhyuk’s forehead and the young lad’s face heat up and turned red as a tomato. “oh dear.. I think you have a slight fever.. you should rest..” Then Donghae turn to Ryeowook and asked her “Ryeowook-sshi.. DO you know how to make Chicken soup?” Ryeowook nodded. “can you help me make one?” Donghae asked and Ryeowook smiled and stood up.

“of course, are you done with your food?” Ryeowook asked back and Donghae nodded. “then let’s do it now..”

The two disappeared somewhere in the kitchen leaving the rest dumbfounded.

“ah.. lucky you, you now have a personal nurse and chef.. how much do they get?” Heechul asked Eunhyuk then laughed her trademark laugh, Sungmin swore she’s really that bitch, making fun of poor Eunhyuk.


Ryeowook and Donghae started getting stuff from the fridge and pantry. Ryeowook started chopping onions while Donghae boiled some chicken.

“I wonder, why do you care that much for Eunhyuk?” Ryeowook asked and Donghae thought hard then smiled.

“I don’t know..” She replied.

“really now.. well you see back in High school, he’s so mysterious.. he don’t talk about his past.. like his childhood and stuff..” Ryeowook commented

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