A promise by two Lee's

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Hangeng and Donghae arrived in the dorm just in time for the emergency meeting called by DBSK. Donghae took a seat beside Ryeowook. Yunho counts them and shook his head and looked at the clock. A minute later, Heechul and Eunhyuk entered the Dance room.

“I just had some business I needed to attend to..”

Heechul muttered and Eunhyuk took a seat beside Yesung.

“you’re late!”

Yunho muttered but dismisses the idea of scolding Eunhyuk since he was with Heeecchul and God only knows what Heechul did and what she will do.

“anyway, we needed you all here to announce the forthcoming General Welcome Assembly next month. As newly selected scholars, you will be presented to the University Administration in a Gala Night.”

Eunhyuk looked at heechul who smiled back at him and mouthed: see.. I know what I’m doing. Eunhyuk bowed his head to acknowleddge her brilliance.

“so in line with that, all 10 of you will be performing an opening number before you will be formally introduced to the Administration.”

Yoochun added and Jaejoong continued.

“we all decided to make you perform a classic waltz which is really appropriate with the event. However, since you are all scholars, we’ll leave the choreography and everything to you, not that the seniors may not help them”

Donghae turned pale, first she don’t know how to dance, moreover waltz and two, she’s not sure someone would want to dance with her. Changmin approached her and handed her a piece of pamphlet.

“look at this and maybe you’ll get interested.”

Donghae thanked him and looked at the pamphlet.

Search for Korea’s Contemporary Art Scholar

Theme: Heart of a True Korean

Ryeowook looked at her and took the pamphlet and read it.

“ooh.. Hae, are you joining this? Seems nice!”

Donghae blushed and muttered

“I’ll think about it”

The DBSK left them to decide on what to do with their performance. Heechul stood to leave but Eunhyuk stopped her. She just smiled and patted him on the back.

Siwon stood and asked Kibum for a dance.

“Kibum, would you mind gracing a dance with me”

Kibum nodded but answered

“I really don’t know how to dance the waltz”

“Have no worries, I’ll make sure you look good, just follow my lead”

Siwon extended a hand and Kibum took it. Kibum placed his right hand on Siwon’s shoulder and Siwon placed his left hand on her waist. Siwon counted and with a nod Kibum followed.



It was easy, just 4 counts and the two was off dancing waltz. The 8 looked at them and they were mezmerised at how Siwon leads Kibum and made sure she becomes the center of the room.

“Kibum, I want you to turn..”

Kibum nodded and on count, Kibum gracefully turns to the side, extending her hand gracefully. Siwon pulled her back. And they continued their dance: easy basic waltz. DOghae looked at them and admitted she was jealous. Waltz is like a lovely dance for couples in love; very romantic and graceful.

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