I Don't Care

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*Dipper's P.O.V.*

Rolling on the ground in pain I thought about what I just said. I'm not mean but it's the truth! At least that's what Wendy told me, and I trust her more than Kate! Wendy said she saw Kate making a deal with Caesar and asking about he was going to destroy Mabel and I. Kate was a traitor! She just said she liked me so she could trick me! And I bet Sam is in on it, too! I stood up and gingerly touched my eye. I yelped in pain and realized it must be black.

"Stupid girl!" I muttered and walked over to where Bill was.

"So, Dipper, what was all that about?" he asked.

"Kate and Sam are working with Caesar to destroy us. They've been scamming us for the past two weeks!" I growled while grabbing an ice pack. Pacifica had disappeared to who knows where. Bill looked startled and angry.

"Sam would never!" he said forcefully.

"Oh, yeah? Then where is she now?" I asked angrily. He paused and fear flashed on his face for a moment.

"She said she needed some air, I asked her if she wanted me to come, and she said no." Bill said while glancing at the floor.

"I bet they planned this so they could meet in private!" I exclaimed. Sam appeared and I knew Bill was reading my thoughts so I told him not to say a word. He nodded slightly as Sam walked up.

"Hey! Can we, uh, go home? I'm not feeling good." she said.

"Ok. Hey Dipper, wanna come?" Bill asked.

"Sure." I said. We walked back to the Mystery Shack in silence. When we got there, Sam said she was tired and went to get ready for bed. I eavesdropped with a recorder from the other side of the door when she was in the bathroom. I heard splashing and squelching sounds from within, like someone was throwing up. Or pretending to.

"Ohhhh, this is the worst it's been. I should've made a deal with Caesar to get rid of this!" Sam groaned. I knew it! She was working with Kate to get rid of us! Now I have proof!

*Sam's P.O.V.*

I threw up over and over into the toilet until I was convulsing but there was nothing left except blood and bile. I fell back against the faucet. At least I had traded my fire dress for jean shorts and a black t-shirt, so it wasn't ruined.

"I should've made a deal with Caesar to get rid of this!" I mumbled and sank back to the floor. I heard a muffled gasp from behind the door, quickly washed bloody vomit off my face, and ran to see who was there. Dipper stood on the other side with a... recorder?

"Oh, h-hey Dipper! What are you doing here?" I asked uneasily.

"You thought you could stay here and trick us but I won't let you! I know you and Kate both are working with Caesar, and now I have proof. Get out. Go back to your 'master'!" he snarled. I was taken aback.

"GET OUT BEFORE I KILL YOU!" he screamed. I turned and ran to the gift shop.

"BILL!" I cried. I ran up to him but he looked angry and pushed me to the ground. I just sat there, confused and dazed.

"We trusted you! I know now everything you ever said to me was a lie! Especially tonight!" Bill turned away from me. This was my worst fear. That my friends will think I betrayed them. To be rejected. I got up and sprinted into the forest. Rain mixed with the tears streaking down my face. Now I regret my chioce of clothes. I ran until I couldn't run anymore and collapsed near a large boulder with an overhang. I dragged myself inside and heaved for breath between sobs. What had happened while I was gone!?

*Kate's P.O.V.*

"I'm listening." I said skeptically.

"If Pine Tree wants you gone, then why don't we make you die? Fake, of course." Caesar asked devilishly. I smiled a demon's smile. I have more of a dark side than people realize.

"Alright, so if you help me fake my death, then what do I have to do for you?" I asked. He tapped where his chin would be.

"Hmm, how about you join me?" Caesar offered.

"Forever?" I echoed.

"Well, no, how about until I- we, defeat Bill?" he proposed.

"Deal! I don't give a crap about him so that's fine!" we both laughed as Caesar's green fire sealed our deal. A tiny voice in my head screamed 'But you'll ruin Sam!'. I knew it was right but I don't care. I don't care if Dipper went to go die in a hole. I don't care if my sister was dead, or if she had cancer or something. I just don't care.

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