Traitors and Beasts

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*Kate's P.O.V.*

I suddenly got an idea.

"Wait!" I said to Caesar.

"What?" he asked and turned toward me.

"Why don't we skip ahead in the plan to the part where you pretend to kill me? Then I kill Dipper and catch his pesky friend Bill." I smirked.

"Yeah, that's a good idea, Ink Pen!" Caesar snapped and we teleported into the forest. Caesar and I made the plan quickly and got it set, when Caesar betrayed me, and stabbed me in my left shoulder. I let a bloodcurdling screech and fell to the ground in agony.

*Bill's P.O.V.*

A scream rang out from the forest.

"What the...?" Aaron trailed.

"Come on guys that sounds like Kate! Even if she is our enemy we can't just leave her!" Mabel said worriedly and Dipper growled under his breath.

"Fine!" I said. It was true. And ever since we kicked Sam out I've been feeling really guilty for siding with Dipper and not even listening to her. We all ran to out into the forest to find the source of the scream. We came upon Caesar attacking Kate. Dipper actually looked worried as was I, Kate was covered in blood and wounds!

"Caesar!" I yelled. We had to get his attention away from Kate before he hurt her more!

"Oh, I see, you and Pine Tree don't want me to do, this?" Caesar smirked, reading our thoughts, and stabbed Kate in the stomach. Mabel gasped as well as Aaron and Dipper screamed.

"KATE!" he screeched and pushed Caesar away from her. She held her stomach and groaned in pain. Dipper was on the verge of tears as he held Kate. Huffing and leaves crunching was heard behind us. Aaron and I spun around only to be greeted by a purple wolf with black horns and black flame patterns. It had wings and 6 seperate black outlined tails (see pic).

"Sam..." I whispered. Crap, this was already bad, but if she sees Kate... Sam glances behind me and when she saw Kate hurt on the ground, she charged past me and hurls herself at Caesar with a howl.

"You! You ruined my life from the beginning! I remember the doctors said I wasn't sick when I was born, so how did I get this huh? HUH!?" she roared as she wrestled with him. "You planted it! You want me to be this way! YOU WANTED ME TO BE SICK! Then, you ran my parents car off the road, and it killed them and my little brother! I was trapped in that wretched orphanage for 6 years! Now you brought me here? Why are you so bent on ruining me!? TELL ME WHY!" Sam growled and Caesar all but smirked.

"Because, I'm bored. And you and your pesky friends are the only ones who have the ability to defeat me for good! But, it seems one of the symbols had faded. Completely." Caesar shoved her away from him and she looked back in horror. Kate's skin was white as snow and she looked like death itself. Sam ran over to her sister and began to cry.

"Kate... please..... don't.... leave me..." Sam whispered through sobs. Caesar got up and smugly smiled. That was the last straw for me. He hurts my friends and ruins my crush's life!? We were both in human form and I grabbed him and started punching him. He punched my jaw and sent me staggering backwards. I growled and shoved him to the ground where we rolled around and tried to throw swings at each other. Aaron jumped in and helped me beat back Caesar. He quickly knew he wouldn't win this battle and fled into the woods.

*Kate's P.O.V.*

I felt cold, but then warm around my back and arms. I fluttered my eyes to see Dipper, crying. He was crying for me, he does care... I wanted to tell him I was okay, I was going to get through this, but I didn't even have the energy to open my mouth. And I truly didn't know if I was going to live to see tomorrow. I cracked my eyes opened once again and saw a purple wolf. Wha...? I couldn't hear at all, maybe because Caesar slammed my head with something, but it seemed the wolf was saying something. Dipper kept crying. Tears. Water. Medicine. My magic water! I had found it when Dipper and I hung out and discovered it in a cave! He's probably so frantic he forgot about it! I shifted my left arm painfully and pointed the bag I had dropped.

"Wa-ater.... Ma-agi-ic, wat-er..." I choked out. Dipper glanced at my bag through glassy eyes and realization spread on his face. He quickly rummaged through my bag and found the flask of magic water and trickled it into my mouth. My body felt like bubbles were dancing across it and all my energy was restored. Sounds flooded my ears and my eyes snapped open. I was alive! I was suddenly squashed by Dipper, who was shaking like a leaf.

"Do-on't e-ever make me wo-orry like that-t again!" his whisper was strangled with sadness and guilt. "I'm so sorry for what I said..." I hugged him back and forgave him. Everyone practically fell down and we all just laid there, friends and together. Sam had changed back to normal and Bill had tackled her in a hug and was saying he was sorry himself. She accepted the apology and everyone was just plain happy. Then 3 terrifying things happened. Sam's breathing started getting rapid and shallow and no one knew why, a maniacal high pitched and southern accented laugh echoed through the forest, and the draco we fought a week ago appeared. Can this day possibly get any worse!?

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