Secrets in the Cabinets

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(A/N Sorry it took me so long to update! I give you... The long anticipated chapter 17! SECRETS WILL BE REVEALED!)

*Kate's P.O.V.*

The draco landed while Sam was keeled over. Gideon walked into the clearing.

"Oh, what a nice scene! Too bad I'll be taking my two queens now." Gidekn said happily. I narrowed my eyes.

"Two queens...? I thought he wanted Mabel, Sam, and I!" I muttered. He must've heard me.

"Oh, well, you see Katie, Sam has been hiding things from you. I'd suggest you look in her drawers sometime. You never know what you'd find there. And didn't Stan put a camera looking toward the faucet in her bathroom? Goody me, I think I'll let y'all suffer the pain of being lied to before I kidnap you. Toodles!" Gideon laughed as he teleported away to somewhere safe. The draco was left but it didn't look like it was going to attack us.

"Strange, it looks... worried." I whispered. I suddenly remembered my sister. I ran to her side. "Sam! Are you alright!?" I gasped. The draco quickly urged me away and went over to Sam. It seemed to lightly growl something in her ear. She nodded and seemed to try to be focused on something. Sam quickly became in her demon wolf form again. Taking deep, long breathes, the draco nudged her to her feet and let her lean on it.

"Well, well, well, Igneel is being nice." Bill said almost thankfully. He still looked worried though.

"Don't test me, Bill. You know my deal with Caesar is now broken and I only wish to serve my mistress." the draco, er Igneel, said with a deep voice. He began to lead Sam to the Mystery Shack.

"Heh, I'm just glad your here, old buddy." Bill smiled a little and fell in step with me.

"Who is that?" I asked.

"Oh, Igneel? Yeah, he was my best friend a long time ago. I got in a fight with Caesar and lost, so to save my life he had to be Caesar's servent for 100 years." Bill said nostalgically. I giggled and went back to Dipper and Mabel. Aaron was in the very back. Dipper was looking frantically through his journals to see what the heck my sister was.

"I don't know!" he growled and massaged his temples. Mabel rubbed his back and I laced my fingers with his, causing him to blush.

"It's ok bro-bro! As long as Sam's healthy, everythings good, right?" Mabel said gently as we approached the Mystery Shack. Dipper started counting things on his fingers then looked up with alarm, as if he'd seen a ghost.

"That's it! Everyone! I need you to look through Sam's bathroom drawers!" he yelled quickly. Sam's head snapped up.

"Dipper! Don't please... please..." She suddenly fainted, reverted back to human form, and Bill caught her. Dipper looked even more scared now.

"Hurry! We don't have much time!" We ran inside and searched every drawer in Sam's room and bathroom. Bill was in charge of the bathroom, Aaron and Dipper did her desk, and I did her wardrobe and closet with Mabel.

*Bill's P.O.V.*

I opened and closed at least 7 drawers now. I was about to shut another one when a white bottle caught my eye. I took it out and instantly noticed there were a lot more. I took every single one out. There were probably at least 6 bottles, PRESCRIPTION bottles. As in, 'I'm-really-sick' bottles. I also saw 5 unused needles along with serums in glass tubes with labels. I looked at the names of the bottles and glass labels. I whispered them to myself.

"Cisplatin intravenous, mustargen injection, doxorubicin intravenous, mechlorethamine injection..." I trailed off. I knew these drugs. I fell back against the counter to steady myself. "Sam... has lung cancer!?"

(A/N BUM BUM BUUUUUUUUUUM! CLIFFHANGER! Does this answer your question hhhprincess!?)

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