95: Paradisin

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'Paradisin' by Rina Sawayama--- ok, school started today, thats where I was supposed to be but I was writing this bc we didn't have any assignments atm. Also, I saw the first episode of 'What if...?' and my stepdad was being super misogynistic the whole time smh🙄 Also, I'm coming out with a new book about me and explanations about everything so yall know more about me. Like a journal (or autobiography) . I think I might call it "My explanation" or "More to Pico"  or sumn like that lmfao. 

c/o/c : Color of choice

s/o/c : Style of choice


Nanaba and Hange convinced y/n to dye her hair, they took her inside a shop and looked at hair dye. 

"What color are you getting?" Asked y/n, she looked at Hange, who just leaned against the wall and watched y/n pick. "Don't look at me, I'm not the one who needs this" Said Hange

"What about you?" 

"Probably just some highlights. Y'know, the usual" Said Nanaba. Nanaba usually got golden highlights in her hair, and it looked very natural. Y/n looked at the top of the shelf, there sat a box of a c/o/c dye. Surprisingly, y/n could reach it. "Got it?" Asked Hange


"Nice. Ok, Nanaba, you ready?" Asked Hange, Nanaba nodded her head, "Ok lets go". At the back of the shop there was a small salon for hair, "Hi, how can we help you? Have you found what you're looking for? Perms are 15% off, now, if thats what you're looking for" Said the counterman

"Oh, no, but thank you. We're just here to get our hair dyed" Said Nanaba

"I thought so. Have a seat" Said the counterman, "I'll get you someone to do your hair for you." He walked away to get some stylists and other people as well, he shortly came back with 1 other person. Her name was Isabelle. 

"I'll be doing your hair, sweetheart. Call me Manny" Said the counterman. Manny was a very nice man, he was quite an over-sharer how ever. He loved to gossip while he did Y/ns hair, whether it was about his 3 boyfriends and 1 girlfriend or not. 

"Ok, how do you want this dyed, sweetie?" Said Manny as he faced y/n in the mirror 

"Uhm, maybe s/o/c, kinda like that." Said y/n, Manny nodded

"I like that, it'll look great on you." Said Manny, he turned y/n away from the mirror and started on her hair

"So, it looks like y'alls are paradisin, or whatever" Said Isabelle

"Sort of. Just us running around, really" Said Nanaba

"Snatching the looks of guys and girls, too, obviously" Said Manny, they chuckled

After a while they had to wait for everything to finish. "Ok, Miss Y/n, are you ready?" Asked Manny, y/n hummed and nodded her head. He turned her around to the mirror. Her hair was changed, she liked the style and the color. "Makin' me feel some sorta way" Said Nanaba as she looked at y/n, too. 

"Just wait 'till everyone else see's too" Said Hange

"Here's our card, y'know, just in case." Said Manny handing them a card, "Thank you" Said y/n

"Yess, this one is on the house, for both of you" Said Isabelle

"Really? Thank you" Said Nanaba, as she hugged Isabelle

"C'mon, theres so many other places to go" Said Hange

"Come back again!" Said Manny when they left the place


After I wrote this I made 'More to Pico' and the first page is out now!

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