Chapter 14

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"I got rejected." I sighed sitting down at our lunch table. Mingyu snorted the milk he was drinking.
Jeonghan Hyung and Sunbaes were confused and a little shocked. Our innocent Doekyom was trying hard not to laugh but couldn't control himself when Mingyu started laughing loudly. Wonwoo chuckled a little.
"What are you saying?" Jeonghan Hyung asked.
"I confessed. And I got rejected." I stated. I was over it now. I cried for a few minutes in the bathroom before so I was alright now.
"So it was you?" Mingyu asked trying not to burst out again. "We were just wondering who it was. News spreads fast in our school."
Did someone see me getting rejected by Jihoon? Oh no. Now people would start hating him too. What if-
"Till yesterday I thought it was Soonyoung who Mina liked. But it turned out to be Lee Jihoon from their class. She hasn't confirmed anything yet but now we know." Doekyom snickered.
Mina liked Jihoon? Jihoon liked Mina. Does that mean...they're together now? I would tear up any second now.
"Good thing today's a half day. Grieve the rest of the day, buddy." Wonwoo said patting my back as he walked away. Thank God today was Saturday. I couldn't handle watching Mina and Jihoon together tomorrow itself. I need time to prepare myself.
"Do you want to do something to take the rejection off your mind?" Mingyu asked.
I shook my head. "I'll just go home for today."
"It'll be alright, Hoshi." Doekyom said.
"Do you want to meet up tomorrow?" I asked sighing.
"Sure. Your place. Ten." Mingyu said getting up. "I'll get going now." He hurried to where ever he was going.
"What about you?" I asked Doekyom.
"I...can't." He said hesitantly.
Joshua Hyung gave me an apologetic smile. "I asked him to come to the church this Sunday."
"It's alright." I sighed before realising something. "What the hell are you going to the church for?!"
"Umm...Hyung said it'll be fun." He said fidgeting with his fingers. "He always went with his mother. And he's taking me with his this time."
"It's weird but alright I guess. Have fun."
"We'll get going too." Jeonghan Hyung finally said.
We went and retrieved our bags. Seungkwan had texted me to hurry up and not wait for him.
"Hyung." I called out when we reached home. Nobody was home right now except us. "I have something to say."
He nodded. "What?"
I pulled the hem of my shirt nervously. I knew he'd accept me but I what if he didn't.
"I...The person I like is not Mina." I sighed. "It's a boy. Lee Jihoon." I closed my eyes unable to see his expression. What if he takes it in a wrong way? What if we w-
"Is he cute?" He asked in a playful tone making me lift my head.
"What?" I asked.
"He must be cute if you like him. Is he the first love you keep talking about?" He grinned. "If you are worried about not getting the reaction you want then, I'm sorry but I don't see why you should. Don't you trust me?"
"No its just..." I don't know what to say.
"Tell me all about him." He said winking as he pulled me in the kitchen. "All-
He halted in his steps when the door bell rang.
"I'll attend the door. Take out all the tasty snacks we have. We're in for a long time." He ran out hurriedly, leaving me alone.
I quickly pulled all the stashed snacks and put them on the table. I could hear footsteps as they neared the steps.
"We have another member to join us." Hyung announced as he dramatically pointed at Seungkwan who stared at me and then at the snacks.
"Are you have a mini party or something?" He asked as he sat down and choose something tasty. He then gave me a mixed look of pity and funny. "Heard you got rejected?"
"We're having a confession party. You should join too." Hyung said excitedly.
"Sure." He shrugged, clearly more interested in snacks.
"Okay so let's start with Hoshi." Hyung wiggled his eyebrows at me.
I sighed. "His name is Lee Jihoon. He's in class B. And I've liked him for three years. And I confessed and got rejected today. And I'm going to move on from today."
"Good then." Seungkwan said with his mouth full. "He would never accept your feelings anyway."
"Why?"  Hyung asked confused. "Is he not into boys or is my baby brother not his type?"
"Both maybe." Seungkwan shrugged.
"Alright then. If you're going to move on then let's not talk about it much." Hyung said. "Now Seungkwan...spill your tea."
Seungkwan put down the packet of chips and sighed." His name is Chwe Hansol. He's in your grade but different class."
"Ah the weird kid? He's a bit peculiar but I have a feeling he's cute with people he knows." Hyung said nodding.
"Yeah he is. He doesn't talk much but says a lot. He's more straightforward. He shows that he cares more through actions." He blushed as he talked. "And we've been going out for five years."
"Woah. Goals." Hyung teased.
"Yeah. Whatever." He said carelessly. "Now about you."
"Me?" Hyung stuttered. I leaned forward too.
"Choi Seungcheol. He's not from our school. He works in the garage on the other side of the town. And he's a lot older than me. And we've been together only for one year but we've known each other for years." He sighed in  content.
"Oh okay wait." I said raising my hand. "So you're saying we all are gay?"
Seungkwan nodded. "Yeah. I'm 100% sure."
"Bi." Hyung shrugged. "What about you?"
I frowned. "I'm not sure."
"Have you liked people other than Jihoon? Or found attractive?" Seungkwan asked.
I shook my head. "I didn't think about liking someone intentionally. Like I find people cute in general but not like how I find Jihoon."
"Oh okay." Hyung said sympathetically. "But it's fine. I'll get over it."

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